Period End Maintenance
Period End Maintenance is located in the Month End section, and should be part of the system administrator's end of month process. As a company, you can set cutoff dates for All or specific types of transactions. By ticking one of the checkboxes, the system will prevent future transactions of that type from being saved, ensuring that no more data will enter that period.
It is also required that the Current Year & Period are updated when your company is ready to shift the default year/period combination to the next month. If these fields are not changed, you will find that most modules will default to a year/period in the past, requiring the user to change it every time.
When setting up a new Workbench instance, it is imperative that periods are set up correctly before creating any transactions in the system.
Screen Guide:
Current Year is the current Financial Year that you are in. This sets the default year throughout the system.
Current Period is the current month number in the Current Year, and also sets the default period throughout the system.
Year No & Period No are the year/period combination of the individual line.
Period End Date is the date that this period ends for all transactions other than Time. Generally this will be the last calendar day of the month, but some companies may require an earlier end date. The resulting period then begins the day after the previous period ended.
Time End Date is the same as above but specifically for Timesheets, making it possible to have a timesheet cutoff for the last pay day of the month rather than the end of the month between pay cycles.
The checkbox columns will, when checked, close the desired module for the year/period combination. Ticking the All column will automatically tick all other columns.
Workbench defaults with a certain number of periods available, but eventually new periods will need to be created. Use the Create Periods button to open a dialogue box asking how many periods you want to add:
Be sure to check if there are additional Pages available to scroll through before adding more periods. Remember to Save the screen after making any changes.
Next Steps:
Once you have added or updated periods, the new periods will be available for use or old periods closed for new transactions.
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