Job Transactions Transfer

Job Transactions Transfer


Job Transactions Transfer functionality is provided to assist with a simple transfer of transactions between jobs. A common use of this functionality is to move costs that were entered aginst aheader job but should go against a sub-job.

Note this utility does not perform any validations, such as the Work Centre or Activity being valid in the target job, and the validation of the transfer is the responsibility of the user.

This must be used with care, and in the case of moving the incorrect transactions, those transactions can be moved back to the original Job. No record is maintained of the transfer (what Job it was trasnfered from). If you are looking for traceability, Job Transactions Reallocation may be a better alternative.

Screen Guide:

  • Select the current job or Log number for the transactions to transfer.

  • Specify any further condition for the transactions to transfer, and [Apply filter] to list the transactions.

  • If the transaction to transfer are relatively few the you can select then using the tickboxes.

  • If there are numerous transaction to transfer then validate your filter across the pages listed, and when satisfied then tick the Transfer All Filtered Transactions checkbox.

  • Specify the destination job for the transfer or the Service Log Number.

  • When you satisfied all is correct then click [Transfer], and you will receive a confirmation message on completion of the transfer.

Note that Transfer All Filtered Transactions overwrites the manual selection of transactions, and you will be prompted to confirm that ALL transactions that resulted from the filter criteria are to be transfered to the new Job or Log No.

Access to this screen is enabled by a licence (System Administrator, Finance, Data Entry, Job Costing) and no specific permission is required.

Next Steps:

Validate transactions have been moved by using Job Enquiry/ Transactions tab.

Related Pages:


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:

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