Job Receipting Batch Entry

Job Receipting Batch Entry


This screen is used to manually enter receipts against Job Sales Invoices when the funds are received. Invoices can be partially receipted if needed. A batch for each month's receipts needs to be created before adding receipts to the system.

Please note that most financial systems that are integrated with Workbench will automatically send receipts back when money is received, making this function useful only for retroactive data entry in that case. 

Screen Guide:

The initial screen lists existing batches (containers for receipts) as well as the option to add a New Batch. To view the contents of an existing batch, click on its Batch No. Details about the batch are contained in the other columns.

When creating a New Batch, the following popup will appear:

It is important to create a batch with the Batch Date being in the same Period as the receipts you wish to enter. Entering a Reference is required, but it does not need to be unique.

The following screen will appear once you click Create Batch (or click on an existing batch):

Enter data in each field, being sure to match the Job Code and Invoice number to the payment received. You can create additional lines for multiple receipts in one batch by clicking New Line. Remember to Save after making any changes. You can click Close Batch to prevent further changes to this batch's contents.

Next Steps:

Receipting batches are generally not exported to the financial software, but if the software you use accepts imports of this type and it is part of your process, proceed to Export Control to export the batch. You can also mark this batch as "Not For Export" there if the batch is not meant for export.