AP Invoices - Batch Details

AP Invoices - Batch Details


This screen can be reached after navigating to AP Invoice Edit and creating a new batch or clicking on an existing one. Batches are like containers that you fill with documents, and this screen displays the contents of a batch. You can add more invoices to this batch by clicking + New AP Invoice, noting that the invoice date should be within the Period of this batch.The batch can be closed from this screen to prevent further entries, but you will need to navigate to Export Control to export the batch to your financial system.

Screen Guide:

This screen shows the details of a single batch, separated into two sections:

Batch Details:

These details are defined when creating a new AP Invoice Batch, some of which can be updated here.

  • Batch Date - This user-defined date determines what period the batch is created in, and subsequently which invoice dates can be entered under it. The invoice date must be within the batch period for most financial systems however, which can be enforced in Control Parameters under "Check AP Invoice Date".

  • Reference - This field is user defined unless it is automatically created by the system. Use whichever naming convention that makes sense for your financial setup.

  • Batch Notes - these are optional and generally not necessary for every day operation. This field is useful for communicating across an accounts team or to note the purpose of this particular batch.

Invoice List:

  • Invoice No - This hyperlink will take you to the details of this AP invoice.

  • Date - Date of the individual AP invoice.

  • Status

    • Entered - This invoice is modifiable and may be assigned to a reviewer or approver.

    • Submitted - The invoice has been reviewed and is ready to be approved by an approver

    • Approved - The invoice has been approved by a user with appropriate authority. If the Control Parameter "AP Invoice Auto System Batch" is set to yes, the system will automatically move this invoice to a generic batch.

    • Updated - The invoice has been exported with its batch to the financial system and is not editable. Please contact your system administrator if there is a problem with an updated invoice.

The Print button allows a user to create a report listing all invoices in a batch, which may be useful for reconciling with financials.

+ New AP Invoice will pop up a new window to add a Create/Edit AP Invoice to this batch.

Next Steps:

You can add New AP Invoices to this batch, or you can Close the batch if you do not want any more invoices to be added. Proceed to Export Control when you are ready to transfer the batch to your financial system.


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