EBA Additional Profiles
An Additional EBA Profile allows for the application of Weekly overtime rules after the Daily EBA rules have been applied with a Default EBA Profile (and alternatively, any other daily EBA Profiles selected on Timesheet Administration). Overtime weekly rules are calculated on any Normal Time remaining hours after a maximum weekly total of Normal Time hours, which is defined on the Additional Profile. These profiles are optional and are executed over the Payroll transactions generated by the Daily Rules (Employee’s Default EBA Profile and EBA Profiles selected on Timesheet Administration).
Due to the complex nature of this module, any desired changes should be discussed with your consultant.
Screen Guide:
Main Tab:
The Additional checkbox must be ticked. This will make this Additional profile available for selection on the Extended Productivity tab on a User:
Time Tab:
Set up a profile with lines using the Wk option on the Day column. Create a line per Time Group to reflect the weekly rules you need.
Each line must have:
a Time Group. Only standard Groups called ‘Normal Time', ‘Time and Half’ or ‘Double Time’ can be used. Any custom Group created from Lookups will not work. They need to be added in the right sequence: 'Normal Time’, ‘Time and Half', then ‘Double Time'. A Group can be skipped if not required. Valid setups:
-‘Normal Time’ , ‘Time and Half', ‘Double Time’
-’Normal Time’,'Time and Half'
-'Normal Time','Double Time'a Time Code and
a Worked hours value. Starting with ‘Normal Time', and depending on your rules, followed by the next time Group in the right sequence.
In the example above, the system will check:
- Whether the total of ‘Normal Time' hours on the Payroll transactions are more than 38 for the whole week.
- Any extra ‘Normal Time' hours over 38 for the week, less any overtime (using Groups ‘Time and Half' or ‘Double Time’) that resulted from the EBA profiles on the employee’s timesheets will be transformed into the next Time Group using the indicated Time Code, which is Time Group ‘Time and Half’ using, in this case, Time Code OT1.5.
- Then if there are still any excess Normal Time hours from the step before, they will be converted into the next Time Group 'Double Time', using the indicated Time Code: OT2.
Excess hours create Payroll transactions to the next Group Time Code.
Allowance tab must be populated for the profile rules to be executed. Having the rules on Time tab but an empty Allowances tab will prevent the rules from this Additional profile to be executed.
Allowances Tab:
Additional profiles are not intended to generate Allowances. It is assumed allowances were generated by the Default EBA Profile, and the Additional profile will not override, delete or add any allowances.
Instead, this tab is used to indicate the list of valid Time Codes so that the system can recognise the Payroll transactions over which the weekly rules will be applied. In some cases, there could be in use more than one Time Code for ‘Normal Time' or ‘Time and Half' or ‘Double Time'. All valid Time Codes must be added to this tab with their respective Time Group (see example on the screenshot above). Excess hours create payroll transactions to the next Group Time Code.
This tab must be populated for the profile rules to be executed. Having the rules on the Time tab but an empty Allowances tab will prevent the rules from this Additional profile to be executed.
Next Steps:
Once a profile is completed, you can add it to any number of Users.
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: