4.4.19 - 02 Mar 2020
Hotfix Release
Release 12 Mar 2020
This address an integration issue on Data Extraction Plan Renewal and enabling an Upvise Trial.
Addresses an issue preventing custom reports being printed.
Hotfix Release
Release 04 Mar 2020
This addresses the Job Invoice issue where email recipients were not being populated. Duplicated recipients in the CC field are now auto removed on population.
Beta Release
Release 02 Mar 2020
New Features
Subcontract Claim - Stated Claim Validation
An optional field for the stated claim value is introduced to support a more robust subcontract claim process that allows the claim lines total to be validated. Leave this value as zero to omit validation.
A. The ‘New Claim Attachments’ popup from the Subcontract Claims List functions as usual.
B. The field ‘This Claim ex GST’ may be specified to indicate the claim total.
C. On saving the indicative claim value is displayed as ‘This Claim ex GST’. Note this differs to ‘Sub Claimed This Claim’ that is the total claimed on the lines.
D. The standard Subcontract Claim popup can be displayed from the Claim No link, and this also displayed ‘This Claim ex GST’ on the Main tab.
E. If ‘This Claim ex GST’ is non-zero on saving then a warning message is displayed if it differs to the actual ‘This Claim’ lines total on the Work Orders tab. If attempting to approve then any this will be an error.
Feature Revisions
The Supplier Picker now displays the GST / ABN number in the suggestion list and picker popup, and also supports searching by this field. The supplier picker applies in instances like POs and AP Vouchers.
Mobile Timesheet - Rectified an issue with incorrect default of Activity on the Stock Issue.
Admin Timesheet Entry - A filter criterion for ‘Payroll Name’ has been added.
Timesheet Administration - A filter criterion for ‘Payroll Name’ has been added.
Inwards Goods - The following fields have been added to the inwards grid PO lines, and may be enabled from ‘Inwards Goods List’ grid:
Unit Cost
Line Ref (hidden)
PR Requester (hidden)
A [Display PO] button is available to view the selected PO.
Image Extraction Editor - A ‘Delete’ button is now available and this willset the record into a ‘Cancelled’ status.
AP Vouchers -
Rectified an approval issue that occurred after explicit reassignment within the workflow.
The Possible Duplicate popup was also listing image document not yet vouchers and this is rectified.
PO Lines tab now includes an info icon that displays the PO Line Details popup.
AP Invoice - Corrects a false validation error on import of AP invoice lines regarding Activity Type.
Forecasts - Rectified an issue where Refresh also returned all deleted uncommitted adjustments.
Job Wizard / Job Maintenance - The Company picker has been amended to exclude inactive companies.
Job Enquiry -
The default filter criteria on the Orders tab now auto apply to ensure consistency between the listed filters and the list.
A mismatch between Budget values on the Summary and Details tabs is rectified.
Job Sales Invoices List - A column has been added for ‘Inc. GST’.
Job Sales Invoice - A additional case has been added for the use of Claim Number on job invoices:
Claim Based Jobs
Output Based Claim Jobs
(new) Any Contract Job/Subjob unless its a subjob with billing consolidation of ‘Invoice job - Revenue on job’
Bulk Send Final Invoice - This process is now supports Office365, so if Office365 authentication is used the invoices will be send on the initiating user’s email address.
Work Order - The WO related email template 'Report - WorkOrder' now supports additional tokens:
$RecipientsFirstName (Subcontractor Contact)
$RecipientsCompanyName (Subcontractor)
Subcontract - Rectified an issue where Retention Releases were not displaying correctly on the Claims tab.
Subcontract Claim - The workflow is amended to accept $0 claims to be processed.
Daysheet Details - Optimised for improved performance as this was timing out on large daysheets.
Daily Diary
Timesheets - The Bulk Transactions popup on Crew Timesheets now supports the use of Breaks as used in Daily Timesheets.
Month End
Batching - The GST validation on batches is now limited to ‘AP Invoice’ or ‘AP Credit’ batch types.
EBA - An enhanced EBA Tag picker is now available on Users, Jobs and Job Template. This provides a suggestion list (if applicable) and validates the input against the list defined in the in 'EBA Tag List' screen, displaying invalid tags in RED.
Edit | Invalid | Valid |
Licences -
The Project Manager license now has access to the Daily Diary.
The Timesheets license now has access to Timesheet Approvals.
Employee Class - An ‘Effective Before’ set of field are now available to allow pre-configuration of employee rates before they come into effect at the stated date.
Data Import - A control Parameter is 'Data Import Max Lines' with a default of 1000 has been added. Its use is limited to on-premise sites and applies to all utilities listed on the Data Import List.
Utilities -
wbImportTimesheetDataWithEBAProfile - Imports timesheet lines with the option of specifying the EBA Profile.
wbUtilityMigrateMdeScheduleHeaders - This utility migrates the MDE headers from ScheduleHeaders into the web format for a given Schedule Code.
Unsupported characters in the Details field of AR and AP invoices are now stripped out as they cause errors on export. The characters removed are from the ASCII range 00 to 31 except - 09 (Horizontal Tab), 10 (Line Feed), and 13 (Carriage Return).
Plant extension fields now synchronise to Upvise where the extension type is based on the Plant Group associated with the plant item.
New Features
Report Viewer - The Report Viewer now supports a maximised state in addition to its standard state. This allows for improved usability for landscape formatted report. Note the user will still be required to adjust the Zoom as required.
New Reports
wbStockTransactions001-Non Stock Transactions by Location - Rebuilt dataset to reflect the applications screen.
wbStockTransactions002 - Stock Transactions by Location - Rebuilt dataset to reflect the applications screen.
wbStockTransactions003 - Stock Movement by Location - A new Stock Movement by Location report has been provided.
Report Revisions
wbJobxxx - various Job Summary Reports -
Zero value lines no longer on these reports.
Now support the selection of multiple Job Groups.
wbJobTransactionsxxx - Job Categories and Job Groups added as filter options.
wbTimesheetxxx - various Timesheet Reports - Re-ordered notes section by Tran date, and repeat headers on following pages.