4.4.14 - 18 Nov 2019

4.4.14 - 18 Nov 2019

Hotfix Release

Release 26 Nov 2019

  • AP Voucher - Addresses an issue where unapproved PO could be matched in the voucher when referenced in an AP Invoice image.

Hotfix Release

Release 25 Nov 2019

  • WIP Accrual Journal - Batch exports are now available for Xero, MYOB Adv and MYOB Accountright.

Beta Release

Release 18 Nov 2019

Important Notes

  • Δ #1 Workflow Configuration - A new control parameter 'Workflow User Limitation Enabled AP Vouchers’ has been introduced with default 'No' for enabling segregation of duty for AP voucher. If your control parameter ‘Workflow User Limitation Enabled' is 'Yes' then you should set the new control parameter to 'Yes' for backward compatible behaviour.

New Features

Workflow Schema Matching

Entities matching for workflow schema identification on submitting a document has been enhanced to support additional and multiple entities. This reduces the reliance on the manually selected 'Workflow Type' at time of submission and so provide improved automation.

•  The entities now also support 'Company' and 'Job Type', and these can also be specified in combination with existing entity conditions, and this is valid across all workflow supported document types.

•  The precedence for matching continues to be from specific to generic i.e. Job, Job Type, Profit Centre, Company, Finco. However since the Workbench structure for Finco - Profit Centre - Job are hierarchical only one these need be specified.

•  It is anticipated that some of the workflow currently relying on Workflow Type can now be matched, for example (depending upon your specific configuration):

•  Instead of a manually selected Workflow Type of 'Overheads' for AP Invoices perhaps we could use:

•  Instead of a manually selected Workflow Type of 'Fuel' for AP Invoices perhaps we could use:

•  This enhancement is backward compatible with existing workflow matching and no changes are required.

AP Vouchers Delegation

Delegation has been extended to support AP Vouchers to allow for scheduled intervention where the workflow designated individual is not available.

•  The workflow functions as normally and the standard person is assigned to a step, and the document now appears on their My Approvals List.
•  A delegated person is specified for a person for a specified period.
•  For the delegation period all the documents of the delegated document type appearing on the assigned person's My Approvals List will now also appear on the delegated person's My Approvals List in addition to their own items.
•  When an action is performed on a delegated document the delegated person's limit is used as per their 'AP invoice Approvers Limit' setting (not the original person's workflow / derived limit) and the audit log will indicate the delegated individual. Note the delegated person also required 'Approve AP Invoices' permission.
•  At the end of the delegated period the functionality will automatically revert to the standard.

Forecast Adjustments in Foreign Currency

Forecast Adjustments can now be specified in foreign currency.

Having the control parameter 'Forecast Adjustments in FC' set to 'Yes' will display the foreign currency columns (in yellow); the default is 'No'.

•  Currency - select to specifies the currency in which the adjustment will be specified.
•  Exchange Rate - this defaults to the current exchange rate in the Currencies table on selection of the currency.
•  Rate - this is the rate in the foreign currency.
•  FC Amount - this is calculated as Quantity x Rate.
•  Amount - this is disabled when foreign currency is enabled and is auto calculated as FC Amount / Exchange Rate.

This entry essentially facilitates the calculation of the domestic currency fields based on the Exchange Rate.

Feature Revisions


  • Daily Approval - The screen has been enhanced to support alternative view options by Job Manager / Job Account Manager for a daily or weekly list. The default remains by Job Manager per day.


  • AP Voucher List - Sorting on Company and Assigned was not functioning correctly and this is rectified.
  • AP Voucher - Enabled Approving of 100+ lines on vouchers. To match a voucher that has more than 100+ lines, via the Line Scans area set the filter to 'Filter Unmatched', select all and drag over 100 lines (or less) and save, then drag over the next 100 or less etc...  
  • AP Invoice - A PO line will now display as non-editable in the Confirm PO popup if the PO is unapproved. Previously the line would not be displayed.


  • Schedules - A claim schedule no longer displayed in the Schedules tab if it was deactivated. This is rectified.

Daily Diary

  • Internal Plant - An issue with the 'Copy Previous Transactions' button not functioning for sub-jobs has been rectified.


  • Dockets Entry -
    • Added predictive text to the line entry, where there is no line type entered. 
    • Optimised the screen to speed up saving.
    • Defaulted the sort to the most recent date.

Service Desk

  • Log Maintenance - changed the alignment of the Scheduled and Arrived on Site times. 


  • Plant Item List - Creating a new plant by duplication worked but failed to display the success message, and this is rectified.


  • Flow Engine -
    • Δ #1 The control parameter ‘Workflow User Limitation Enabled' limiting user participation /segregation of duty now has an AP Voucher specific counterpart 'Workflow User Limitation Enabled AP Vouchers’ for vouchers ONLY. The existing control parameter will apply to all other workflows. The default for 'Workflow User Limitation Enabled AP Vouchers’ is No.
    • If the control parameter 'Workflow User limitation enabled' is Yes to indicate that a person cannot participate more than once in the workflow, now for Purchase Order and Work Order workflows their respective Purchaser is excluded as a workflow participant to cater for scenarios where the PO is submitted on behalf of the purchaser.


  • Document Register Setup - A default set of configuration will be installed if there are no existing documents to ease customisation. These are Category Hierarchy, Email Template and Document Register Types for:
    • Architect's Instructions
    • Extension of Time
    • Notice of Likely Delay

    • Request For Information

    • Site Instructions

   The control parameter ‘Document Register Number Template’ will install as '[JobCode]-[DocTypeID]-[FormatNextNo]' and document statuses of Approved, Rejected, Responded, Sent, and New.


  • My Approvals -  When settings i.e. Email PO|Subcontracts|AP invoices on Approval respectively, are enabled to email on approval for PO, Subcontracts and AP invoices, the popup based email will be suppresses when Workflow is used as well as Standard approvals. Previously these were only suppressed under standard approval processes.


New Features

  • When the 'Print Report Troubleshooting Parameters' box is ticked, the application will also log the parameters in an error log and the report will also show these on the report footer. 

The following will be included in the log:

1. The ReportID.
2. Whether the report is STANDARD or CUSTOM.
3. If its custom whether its tagged for AutoDelete.
4. If its custom, who loaded it.
5. If its custom, when it was loaded.
6. If standard include the ReportSchemaVersion from the control table.
7. If it has a custom Title loaded, what the standard title is.
8. If the report has a duplicate URL - This needs to be fixed immediately as the wrong report could be being run and the ReportID and associated information could also be incorrect if this error exists.

  • Added a new Report Type (for custom reports) Subcontract Claim Datasheets.

New Reports

  • wbBatchAPInvoice002 AP Inter Co Batch Report - New intercompany AP Invoice batch report. If this is run off a batch that is not an intercompany batch, there is a notation in the header, to tell the user. 


  • When running reports using saved parameters that are flagged as ‘Open Text’, the application now correctly uses their description, rather than their code.
  • Batch reports - Changed the Finco GL analysis. Each Finco is reported on in its own section.
  • wbBatchPayroll001 Payroll Batch List - the sort order has changed to sort by order of columns.
  • wbBudget004 Budget Journal (Cost) - report title now changed to be consistent with others in the same report type; using the Internal Reference in the report header.
  • wbOutputClaim001 Output Claim Schedule - All Items, wbOutputClaim002 Output Claim Payment Certificate and wbOutputClaim003 Detailed Output Claim Payment Certificate - corrected the claimed to date values, to include sub jobs.
  • wbSubcontractClaim003 Subcontractor Payment Certificate - Stopped duplication of data on the report.
  • wbTime007 Payroll Details Report - When more than 3 Activities were selected, an error occurred, this has been corrected. Parameter 6 is fixed.

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