Plant Enquiry

Plant Enquiry


This screen is accessed through the Plant Items list and clicking the blue ellipsis button option "Plant Enquiry." The function of this screen is similar to Job Enquiry, providing summary and detailed information about the selected plant.

The visibility of these tabs is determined by the Setting "Plant Enquiry Tabs." Editing this setting globally or for specific Users changes the view of tabs. If this setting is blank, all tabs are displayed.



Screen Guide:

This tab shows summarised to-date cost and revenue versus budget information for the selected Plant Item.

The Cost Category section divides the plant costs based on the Cost Categories used.

This is hidden by default as it does not have relevant infornation for a Plant Job.

This tab displays detailed cost and budget data but not revenue. Cicking on the Work Centre field expands the underlying Activity lines that constitute the totals. Cost Actual/Budget Hours utilise the Quantity field of time-based transactions and budgets, providing insight into the working hours in addition to the Cost Actual/Budget fields. This helps identify if costing is lining up with hour expectations. The hours columns can be ignored if hour tracking is not used.

Tx View provides a quick link to the Transactions Tab automatically filtered for the Work Centre and Activity combination on the line that was clicked. This helps with quickly locating the individual transactions that are being summarised.

This is the base level view of each individual transaction. You can utilise the Filter to narrow down the results. Clicking on the Type field navigates you to the original transaction location.

This tab displays all invoices for the plant item. Receipts and credits (Rec/Cr) are shown by clicking the + symbol on the left side of the line.

Next Steps:

To investigate transactions, use the Transactions Tab and click on the hyperlink to view the original data. Use Plant Issues or Adjustments to correct data.

Related Pages:


Plant Items


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:

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