My Stock Location

My Stock Location


This function is designed for field users to quickly and easily issue stock from their assigned Stock Location (typically a mobile van but it can be any location) to the job they are working on. An administrator must first give the User an assigned Stock Location in their profile on the Employee Detail tab:

Screen Guide:

The Stock Location field will automatically be filled with the location given in the current User's profile and cannot be changed here.

To begin issuing stock, click the + New Line button to create a blank line, then fill in the details of the issue.

  • Date is the day that the issue was done.

  • Job is the job you issued the stock to.

  • Stock Item pops up a search window when you click on the magnifying glass, showing all Stock List along with their Quantity on Order (how many are currently ordered) and Quantity on Hand (how many the stock location currently contains). If these numbers are inaccurate, a Stocktake is recommended.

  • Activity defaults from the Stock Item but can be changed depending on the job.

  • Work Centre defaults from the Stock Item but can be changed depending on the job.

  • Quantity Issued is how many of the Stock Item you want to issue to the Job. This amount will be deducted from the stock location and the cost will be applied to the Job.

  • Serial Required and Serials are legacy fields and not used in the current implementation of Stock.

Next Steps:

Previous stock issues can be viewed in Stock Transactions.


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:

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