Bill of Materials

Bill of Materials


A Bill of Material (or BOM) is a grouping of budget lines including quantities that constitute an end product. BOMs are then used to quickly create Quotes, Budgets, and Stock issues for Jobs based on these predefined groupings, saving time and streamlining estimating and cost coding in your company.

BOMs can be added to quotes and budgets with the At Cost Element and At Revenue and Cost Element input methods.

Typically, a BOM header is a non-stock item from a non-stock location which has a selling Rate and no Cost, and is built up from stock items that have Costs and make up the total Cost of the BOM kit.

Screen Guide:


Bill of Materials screen



The Bill Of Materials List is accessed from Stock Setup, Bill of Materials in the site map. The list provides the familiar filtering and column sorting functionality

  • + New BOM button: Create a new BOM

  • Import button: use to import the BOM list from a file.

BOM editing is reached through the BOM Header ID number.

The BOM header section consists of four fields:

  • BOM Item - Select the Stock Item to associate the BOM Item with. The Stock Item must already exist, and for new BOMs the new item can be created from Stock Item List as either a Stock or Non-Stock item.

  • Unit - The unit of measure for the composite item.

  • BOM Type - Select a type for the BOM item. The types can be defined as a Lookup with the Type of ‘BOMType’.

  • Stock Location - The Stock Location on the BOM is where the components will be issued from. Ensure this is the stock location where your components are. This is not the stock location of the BOM header, which is actually defined at the item level. This is key if you want to have the stock-on-hand quantity maintained for each individual component.

    • On Daysheets and Stock issues coming from Upvise, when creating an issue using a Stock Item that is set up as a BOM Kit, after saving, Workbench will automatically create stock issue lines for each one of the stock items that make up the BOM kit. The Quantity-on-hand on the Stock location defined in the BOM header will be reduced.

    • Stock location for these stock issues will be the Stock location on the BOM header, or alternatively, if there is no Stock location defined on the BOM header, the first Stock location listed in the Stock Locations will be used. It is assumed that the Stock items (components) are in the same Stock location as the BOM Header Stock Location.

  • Description - An optional brief of the item.

The BOM lines allow definition of various cost types as specified by the Type column, in the same manner as budget lines. The lines define:

  • Sequence (Hand) - Drag-drop this column to order the lines if required.

  • Type - Dictates the type of line - Activity, Plant, Labour, or Item.

  • Line Code - A contextual picker based on the Type;

  • Activity - disabled

  • Plant - Plant picker

  • Labour - Employee Class picker

  • Item - Stock Item picker

  • Plant Rate - The rate applicable to a Plant line.

  • Activity, Work Centre, Description, Unit, Quantity, Details as expected.

  • Cost Rate - Defaulted based on the Type.

  • Fixed - Indicates a fixed cost irrespective of number of instances of the BOM i.e. cost incurred once only.

  • Procurement Type - Hardwired list of procurement options.

E. On Saving, the Total Cost of the BOM is reflected in the list.


Issuing BOM stock

As described above, the feature where a BOM item can be issued to a job, and the BOM components automatically issued out of stock requires the below setup.

This is implemented in 2 places:

  • Stock issues synced from Upvise. The stock issue is a BOM item, and Workbench generates the stock issues for the components.

  • Stock issues entered on Daysheets


Setup Required

  1. Create Stock Items:
    Stock Items for the BOM header (on a non-stock location) and the components (on stock locations).

  2. Create BOM kit:
    Create the BOM KIT with the non-stock item created on the Stock List.
    The Stock Location on the BOM is where the components will be issued from, and not the location of the BOM item.
    Any Items that are used in a BOM Header will display the prefix (BOM) when searching for an Item.

  3. Issue stock from a Daysheet:
    Create a new Stock issue on a Daysheet,s starting by the non-stock location of the BOM. After saving, the system will add the bom component lines using as Stock location the one defined on the BOM Header, which should be the location where the components are stored.

Next Steps:

Once the desired BOMs are created, they can be used when on the:

  • Quotes’ Cost sheets.

  • Create/Edit Budget screen.

  • Daysheet, stock issues entry tab.

  • Stock issues with BOM items imported from Upvise.

Note that the feature where stock issues are created from a BOM header does not work when entering Stock issues directly on a batch.

Related Pages:

Stock List

Job Budget


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:

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