Data Extraction Downloader

(This page is under construction, click here to see legacy documentation.)


The configuration page is found under Administration > Data Transfer > Extraction Downloader. This screen is initially configured by Workbench and needs to be tested by a consultant to confirm the module is working as intended.

Xtracta has two sets of configurations to consider:

  1. Extraction Downloader form - here we have both the Live and Training. Having the system in Training here means documents that are processed and mapped successfully will never create a voucher. Having the system in Live mode on this screen means that documents that are processed and mapped successfully will create vouchers.
  2. Xtracta settings configured by development – we have both Live and Training settings here as well. Training means that documents will always need to be reviewed before a voucher can be created, they will always be in the indexing stage regardless of whether a problem has occurred with the information or not. Live means that documents that are sent through Xtracta and have all fields mapping correctly will auto create a voucher.

Screen Guide:

The fields on the left are managed by the support desk from Workbench.

  • Download Interval (minutes) specifies the frequency at which the download process is activated. The default is 15 minutes and changing the value may adversely impact your system performance.
  •  specifies how the Auto Requester is determined; either as a named person or by workflow function. 
  •  specifies the name or the workflow function used to determine the 
  • Enabled indicates that the Downloader is enabled and the download interval is active.

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