Revenue Journal

Revenue Journal


This feature enables Job Invoices to be used to reallocate revenue to different jobs.

  • A dummy Job must be created with a Charge Type = No Charge

  • This job code must be set on the new Setting Revenue Journal Job (set by Finco). Note that the Value in this setting should be Job code only.

  • Invoice Total must equal zero dollars on Approval.

  • To perform a revenue Journal, when creating a new invoice, ensure to select Revenue Journal, NOT Job sales invoice.

  • On Job Invoice Entry, if the job entered on the invoice header is a revenue journal job, the Job selection on the lines will be any Job on the FinCo, and not limited to the invoice header Job or subjobs.

  • Due to the No Charge charge type on the job, Get Sales button is disabled, and manual lines must be entered.

  • These types of invoices will be batched separately from normal Job Invoices.

Regardless of the approval method on Job Invoices (workflow or Standard), Revenue Journals only support Standard approvals.

Screen Guide: