WIP Adjustments
For a broader overview of Work in Progress (WIP), please see Work In Progress Overview (WIP).
This screen is used after the Generate WIP Accruals step has been completed. Here we can review the generated accruals and make adjustments as needed. The breakdown of each job is accessed through the WIP Type link, and will change depending on the type used.
Screen Guide.
Initial List:
By default, the Filter shows WIP Accruals in the current period and with a WIP Accrual value greater than zero.
The columns on screen:
Job is the Job that was accrued for.
Closed and Finalised show whether the job has been marked for either of these conditions.
WIP Type displays what type of WIP was used to calculate the accrual, based on the WIP Code assigned to the job. It also serves as the link for the breakdown of the accrual where adjustments can be made.
Complete is the percentage complete based on the calculation.
Invoicing is the total amount invoiced for the job.
Costs is the total amount of costs that have been applied to the job.
WIP Accrual is the amount accrued based on the calculation type.
Reviewed shows whether the adjustment has been reviewed.
Approved shows whether the adjustment has been approved.
Adjustment is the amount of adjustment that has been applied to the accrual.
WIP Type Breakdown:
The information presented in these pop ups gives a breakdown of the appropriate WIP Type accruals. You can optionally use the Reviewed, Approved, and Comment fields to manage internal processes regarding WIP approval.
Next Steps:
If you find incorrect data, you may be able to go to the source and fix it, then Generate WIP Accruals again for that job to refresh this screen.
Once all accruals and adjustments have been finalised, proceed to Export Control and find the WIP Batch to view the journals or export.
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: