Report Groups

Report Groups


Report Groups are groupings of allowed reports, which can then be assigned to Users. Users can have multiple groups allowed, so you can narrow down exactly which reports you want your users to see.

Screen Guide:

The initial screen lists existing groups, and you can create more using the + New Line button.

The All Reports group is maintained by the application and is flagged as a Master Group which means that any changes done to it will be overwritten on each upgrade.


Use the Reports link to open the allowed reports for each group.

By default, the Filter shows Included = Yes, so to see what isn't included, change the filter to No. You can also narrow down the reports by Report Type in the filter.

To add reports to the group, Select the checkbox and click Save.

Next Steps:

Remember to apply the correct Reporting Group for each User on the Application Access tab:

Related Pages:


Reporting Setup


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow: