Setup Wizard

Setup Wizard


This feature is typically used to initialize various setup areas of Workbench when a new database is created, but can also be used as a shortcut to common System Setup topics, Control Parameters, and Settings.

As every implementation will vary, settings will need to be decided during the client scoping and implementation process. The following documentation explains the purpose of each section as the system provides a description of each option natively.

Screen Guide:

This section is dedicated to the basic financial setup, including Financial CompaniesCurrencies, and GST Types.

  • Batch Prefix - configure how you want your batch numbers to be constructed:

    • LL for Location Prefix (set it on each Location), T is the type number (these types are hardcoded in the system), YY for the year of the financial Year.

    • LL, T, YY can be combined and the order can be the order of your preference.

In this section we can change basic system and batch settings as well as a link to Locations.

This section must be set up correctly before the Timesheets section is used.

We can customise the numbering of accounts, invoices, and POs using these settings.

This section is available in detail in Period Ends.



Next Steps:

Despite being a list of shortcuts to existing screens, you can continue to use the Setup Wizard to modify database details.


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