This entry screen is used as part of the Dockets and Daysheets module and is usable by internal Workbench users. See Contractor Daysheets for the screen oriented towards contractor entry.
Daysheets allow Job data capture in the context of a specific supervisor, project, and date, replacing Workbench Daily Diary module.
Everything that happens on a job site for the day can be captured in one place, allowing a manager, supervisor, or administrator to enter:
General comments for the day,
Dockets (for external Plant, External Labour, Materials specified in a Docket Schedule),
Timesheets for internal people and Plant usage optionally,
Plant usage,
Stock Issues,
File Attachments,
and have visibility of any Datasheets for a particular Job.
Specific custom data can also be captured using Daysheets own Extension Columns.
Supervisors or managers on site can capture data using a Tablet, as this screen is tablet-friendly. Photos and videos showing progress for the day can be captured from a tablet.
Previous Daysheets can be copied reducing data entry time.
Upvise compatibility: In those cases where Upvise is being used to capture Daysheets data (Time, plant, stock, dockets) this data will be synced back to Workbench.
Screen Guide:
This list is auto-filtered for the user’s Profit Centre Groups as applied to the Daysheet header job. Headers without a specified Job are always included.
+New Daysheet creates a new datasheet for the day.
Filters by default the list shown is filtered down by the logged-in user and a date range of one month from the current day backwards. Daysheets are sorted by date and sequence, the latest being the first on the list. Change filters to display different results.
Entered Date is the date selected on the Daysheet, by default is today's date.
Sequence is a number automatically allocated to the Daysheet, as there can be more than one Daysheet per day, entered by different or same user.
Entered By is the user that created the Daysheet.
Job is optional. The Job selection on Daysheet Header will limit the job codes that will be selectable on the daysheet lines on all the tabs.
Comments is a free text field, usually used by the supervisor to record any details from the working day.
Approved By is the name of the approver if there is an approval process in place.
Complete indicates with a tick, that the data entry has been completed, and the Daysheet is not edited anymore.
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: