EBA Tags

EBA Tags


EBA Tags are used in EBA Profiles to restrict allowances to a matching tag either in the User or Job of the transaction depending on which one is linked in the EBA line. Listing Tags on this screen allows them to be used in both Profiles as well as Jobs/Users.

Job-type tags are added in Job Maintenance of each job, while Employee-type tags are added in the Create/Edit User screen on the Extended Productivity Tab.

Screen Guide:

To add a new line, click New Line, and to delete a line that hasn't been used elsewhere, tick the Bin checkbox and click Save.

  • Code is the desired shorthand code that you want to tag EBA Profiles and individual Jobs/Users with. Ideally this should match up with the Time Codes used for each allowance being generated.

  • Type determines whether the tag will be available for Jobs or Users.

  • Description should describe the code, and ideally align with the Time Code.

  • Sort Order changes the order in which the tags are displayed.

Next Steps:

Once you add tags here, they can be immediately used in EBA Profiles and matched to Jobs in Job Maintenance or Users when in Create/Edit User.



Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:


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