


For a broader overview, see the Datasheets page.

Templates are used to create forms or questionnaires for users to fill out according to the variables that you specify. This screen organises and edits existing Templates while facilitating the creation of new ones. Datasheet Questions need to be created before a template can be populated.

Screen Guide:

Initial List

This screen lists all existing Templates, with the ability to drill into the Description field to edit the body of the template, or the Header field to edit the header (top section) of the template.

You can also Export a template, or Import Datasheet Templates from the Choose file selection.

Template tables can be exported to Sharperlight by selecting the template and clicking the button. Only templates with Codes can be exported.

Create/Edit Datasheet Template Body

The body of the template allows you to choose which Questions you want to include. You have several options to customise the datasheet below.

The first step is to pick which Key Table you want the template to use, which determines what entity the datasheet is attached to. Datasheet Type is an optional classification from Template Types.

The Code field is used for Sharperlight export, while the Description should define the function of the form with added Details if needed.

  • Sequence determines the order that the questions are displayed. It is advisable to create gaps to allow for easy rearrangement of questions.

  • Code on each line is used for Sharperlight export.

  • Line Type can be one of the following:

    • Boolean - Yes / No

    • Text - single line text entry

    • Text - Multi Line - multiple lines of text entry

    • Date and Date Time are indistinguishable on the Questionnaire presented to the User

    • Integer - numbers only

    • Currency and Decimal are indistinguishable on the Questionnaire presented to the User

    • Job Picker - allows user to pick from the Jobs List

    • Person Picker - allows user to pick from the People List (both internal and external persons)

    • Employee Picker - allows user to pick from a list of employees only

    • Time - time only without the date no date

    • Plant  Item Picker - allows user to pick from a list of existing Plant Items

    • Company Picker - allows user to pick from a list of existing Companies

    • Toggle - works with the Selection List field to give the user buttons to select from, ideal for mobile users.

    • Section - designates the line as the start of a new section where no answer is given and the Question field is the title

    • Subsection - designates a subsection under a Section where no answer is given and the Question field is the title

  • Question is the question text shown on the datasheet and should give the user enough context to give an answer.

  • Instructions are optional text that will appear when the user hovers their mouse over the question. This is useful to provide additional guidance on what the user is meant to do.

  • Selection List is used in conjunction with the Line Type field to specify a list of options for the user to select. Separate items on the list by using the , character.

  • Required marks the line as required for the user to complete and prevents submitting the datasheet until it has been answered.

  • Has Notes gives the user space to write notes regarding the question.

  • Default Value populates the answer with the text entered here, saving the user time if the answer is usually the default.

  • Weight is not currently in use.

  • Formula and Value are also available for contextual display of questions. For example, if we enter Formula = "Show if (Code)", and Value = "True", the additional question would be displayed if the user answers True to a question with a Code of "10". For more details, expand below:



Use the Preview button to see how the datasheet will be displayed, and the Header button to navigate to the screen where you can edit what appears in the heading of the datasheet.

Create/Edit Datasheet Template Header

  • Preview shows how the datasheet will be displayed.

  • Lines switches the screen back to the body or line editing screen.

  • Column is a field that is no longer supported.

  • Sequence changes the order that the lines are displayed

  • Field is determined by the Key Table used when creating the datasheet. You can choose which field you would like to display on each line using this dropdown.

  • Label is currently not in use.

Next Steps:



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Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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