Upvise- Mobile Expense Claims

Upvise- Mobile Expense Claims

You can log into the Upvise mobile application and record expense claims using the steps below.


Screen Guide


Screen Guide

  1. Navigate to “Expenses” via the app menu

2. Click on the “+” button down the right of your screen to create a new Expense Claim

3. Enter the below information, then click “Done” to save:

  • Description

  • Amount

  • Date: This will default to Today

  • Receipts: you can add photos of Receipts or documentation if needed

  • Category: this is the Purchase activity

  • Payment Mode:

    • Employee Reimbursement: this is used when making a purchase using your own personal method of payment (debit or credit card)

    • Credit Cards: This is used when purchasing with a company issued credit card

  • Project: the Project you want to record the expense against

  • Milestone: this is the “Work centre” in workbench

4. If you need to add more expenses, repeat step 2 & 3. See example where I have two expenses recorded:

5. When you have finished recording the expenses, click “Submit Report”


Screen Guide


Screen Guide

  1. Navigate to “Expenses” via the app menu

2. You will see an option in the module “to Approve”

3. You will see a list of Expense claims pending approval. Here you can click into the claim to review and approve:

4. To Approve a claim after reviewing, click on the “Approve Report” option on the expense claim

5. Approved Expense Claims sync to workbench expense claim module where they can be exported to your financial system and paid. You do not need to manual mark as “Paid” this will automatically update when the payment is processed in your financial system, update workbench as “paid” then update Upvise as “Paid” on the next hourly sync.


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