Expense Claims

Expense Claims

<23/05/2023> wb v4.6.8 Credit Card Expense claim option;

You can use Upvise Expenses module to track your expenses related to a project.


Upvise Expense Claims - Creating an Expense Claim

  1. Navigate to Expense Claim Module on the web or your mobile device

  2. Click on the "+" button


  3. Populate the Description (e.g. 21 April 2021 Expense Claim- Travel and supplies).

  4. Populate the 'Project" field for your expense claim

  5. Populate the Amount in $

  6. Populate the "category"

  7. Click on the "Save" tick

Note: these are mandatory fields that are required for the expense to integrate into workbench.

Continue to add expenses using the method explained.

Once Complete, click on the "Submit Report" button.


Upvise Expense Claims - Approving an Expense Claim

  1. Managers and Administrators need to approve the expense claims submitted by standard users. Do this by navigating to expenses/reports/Submitted


  2. Click on the report you're wanting to approve, then click 'Approve Report"

  3. Approved reports will land in workbench in the next scheduled hourly sync as approved expenses.

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