Portal Claims

Portal Claims


On this tab you can see all existing claims, as well as create new ones. The following guide is a general outline of the module. Claims should be submitted as agreed upon with your client; if you have any questions regarding the claiming process, please query your client contact.

Screen Guide:

This screen lists claims starting with No 1 followed by any others in ascending order. You can create a new claim by clicking + New Claim (Create Portal Claim), but keep in mind there can only be one open claim at a time to prevent data errors.

It is important to note the distinction between Claimed and Certified:

  • Claimed is the amount that you as the subcontractor are claiming to be paid. This amount may be subjective or based on quantity surveyor measurements.

  • Certified is the amount that your client has approved to be paid. This amount can differ from the amount you claimed due to several reasons - your client may be required to include these reasons in the payment summary depending on the law or act this claim sits under.

To Date figures are rolling totals of how much has been claimed from all Work Orders up to the claim being viewed.

Retentions are amounts being withheld until the agreed retention period has ended. This amount can then be claimed and subsequently released by your client.

You can find the grand Total figures at the bottom of the grid for all claims that have been made. If there are too many claims to be displayed on one page, you can use the Page arrows to navigate between the different pages of claims.

Next Steps:

Click + New Claim to begin the Create Portal Claim process. To view specifics about payments, see the Portal Payments tab.



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There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:


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