GST Types

GST Types


This screen is used to coordinate tax codes with your financial system, and should be set up in coordination with how you intend to do Data Transfer between the systems. Different software has unique requirements, so refer to that software's setup guide for specific information. This page is part of the Setup Wizard which also contains a default tax rate where otherwise not specified.

Screen Guide:

  • GST Type is the code that is used in Workbench to display the type.

  • Description is the description of the type.

  • Export Code should match the code that is expected by your financial software, if it is used. Refer below for relevant resources.

  • Reciprocal Code is used to determine the output gst code corresponding to a given input gst code when generating inter-company AR invoices.

  • Percent is the rate of tax for this item. It should be entered in decimal form, which will then be displayed as a percentage.

  • Use for AP should be ticked if you want this type to be used for purchases (Accounts Payable).

  • Use for AR should be ticked if you want this type to be used for sales (Accounts Receivable).

  • The Bin icon is used to delete unused or mistakenly created GST types. You cannot delete types that have been used somewhere in the system, either in transactions or in other setup areas.

You can add more types by clicking + New Line and filling in the mandatory fields. Click Save after making any changes to this table.

Two extra columns will be available when the integration with MYOB Advanced is configured:

  • Supressed, switching this tick box on disables the export code field and populates it as [SUPPRESSED]. if the Export Code on the invoice line says [SUPPRESSED], in MYOB Advanced it will not specify the tax codes and amounts for that line. The tax category field will not be affected by this.

  • Category is used for mapping to the tax category on Invoice lines in MYOB Advanced. If the category is left blank, it will pick up the default category from the MYOB Adv Integration 'Default Tax Category' field. 

Next Steps

Populate the relevant control parameters:

Tax Code Validations for non-zero GST and Zero-GST lines:

To ensure the correct use of Tax codes for non-zero GST and Zero-GST on

  • Accounts Receivable transactions (on AR Invoices, AR Credits, and Contract Claims) there are validation rules in place and Control Parameters 'GST Type for No GST Client ' is used in this process.

    • if the client is flagged to not Use GST, then the system will default the GST Code on every line to the 'GST Type for No GST Client' Control parameter value, otherwise, it will default to the GST Type on the Sales Code 

    • if a line has zero GST value, then the system will validate that the GST Type specified has a zero GST rate. An error message will be displayed if this is not correct. 

    • if a line has non-zero GST value, then the system will validate that the GST Type specified has a non-zero GST rate. An error message will be displayed if this is not correct.

  • Accounts Payable transactions (on AP Vouchers, AP Voucher Credits, AP Invoices, AP Credits, and Subcontract Claims) there are validation rules in place and Control Parameters 'GST Type for No GST Supplier' is used in this process.

    • if the supplier is flagged to not Use GST, then the system will default the GST Code on every line to the 'GST Type for No GST Supplier' Control parameter value, otherwise, it will default to the GST Type on the Activity.

    • if a line has zero GST value, then the system will validate that the GST Type specified has a zero GST rate. An error message will be displayed if this is not correct.

    • if a line has non-zero GST value, then the system will validate that the GST Type specified has a non-zero GST rate. An error message will be displayed if this is not correct. 


External Resources:

The Export Code should match the code expected by your financial software, if used. Refer below for your financial software.

Related Pages:

Setup Wizard


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