Budget Types

Budget Types


Budget Types are used for categorising and reporting on estimation groupings. Workbench comes with several standard types by default, which should be adequate for most needs.

Screen Guide:

To reorder the types into your desired order, simply drag and drop the line to the order you want it to be.

  • Budget Type is the displayed label for the type and must be unique.

  • Description is an optional longer description of the type if needed.

  • Category determines how budge types should be aggregated, and can be one of the following:

    • In Current

    • Not In Forecast

    • In Total

  • Inactive shows whether a type is inactive. While inactive, existing data will remain but the type cannot be used in future.

  • Plant Type marks this type to be used in Plant Budgets in addition to Job Budgets.

  • System Type is a system-only flag, used for contract budgets. this field is not editable.

  • Standard Type defines if the type is Standard, and prevents the type from being edited.


  • Price Requests and Declined budget types

    • These budget types are available on a budget type picker wherever a budget type filter is present.

    • On Contract Summary tab, visibility of these types is controlled by whether these types are active or have existing data.

Next Steps:

If you change or add a budget type here, it will immediately be available elsewhere in the system.



Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:


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