Log Outputs
This provides the same functionality as Job Outputs does, but done within the context of the Log.
Screen Guide:
Manual lines of Outputs can be added. The Outputs available for selection will those from any Output Schedules listed on Job Maintenance, on Schedules tab.
Generate Outputs:
This option of [Generate Outputs], will add all items on the Output Schedules on the Job that have been flagged as 'Standard'. This functionality is different to the 'Generate Outputs' from Job Outputs screen, where only the Schedule items listed on the Job's Standard Outputs tab would be added as outputs.
Once Outputs have been generated, the quantities on each line must be updated to reflect what was used on the Log.
Next Steps:
Once the Log is completed, these Outputs are ready to be billed from Job Sales invoices.
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: