Bulk Invoices Creation

Bulk Invoices Creation


This feature is a great way to create Accounts Receivable (AR) Job Sales Invoices in bulk for Jobs with Billing type of Input Based Selling, Output Based billing, Input and Output Based billing (Input based, Output Based or Input Output based) or Quoted type. Only jobs with these types will show in this list.
Once the invoices are created, approval of each invoice is required, so they can then be finalized either individually or from Bulk Send Final Invoices screen.

Also, a great screen to see what Jobs have amounts to be invoiced, and even create invoices one by one by clicking on each job.

Screen Guide:

This screen shows a list of jobs with billing types Input based, Output Based or Input Output based.

Tick the checkbox on the left side of each Job to create an AR invoice for each Job. Note that Jobs that have a $0 To Invoice amount cannot be selected and they still show in this list to show there is no amount to be invoiced.

After selecting the desired jobs click on Save - Generate billing button to create the invoices. This will display a green pop up message indicating Bulk AR invoices have been successfully created or a yellow message with warnings if the process enconutered errors. The screen will updated and recentrly invoiced jobs will desapear from the list.

Alternatively, click on a Job Code to automatically create an invoice for this job. A pop up message asking you to confirm you want to go ahead and create the invoice will appear. When accepting, the user will be redirected to the Get Sales screen of this newly created invoice, to select/edit transactions to be included. Once Job has been invoiced it is removed from the list on return.

Invoice Date and Invoice To Date fields values are by default based on control parameter 'Default Job Invoice Date', and dates can be changed from the calendar picker.

Use the filter options to find the specific jobs you want to invoice and narrow down the list.

Invoices are created in an Entered status. Approval of these invoices has to be performed. 


For Quoted billing type jobs the process will generate an AR Invoice with a single line for the Job Value on the job, the same as when the job is billed manually. Note that an invoice line will not be created when:

  • clicking on the Job in the Bulk Create Invoice screen,

  • if a Quoted Sales Code does not exist in control parameters (SALES is set by default), or

  • if the Job itself has a JobValue of $0


Next Steps:

Once Job Invoices have been approved, they can be finalized in bulk from Bulk Send Final Invoices screen.



Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:


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