Sharperlight within Workbench
Sharperlight is Workbench preferred Advanced Business Intelligence tool to help you streamline and centralise the information in your business and put it into a format that is easy to understand.
There are multiple ways of integrating Sharperlight dashboards and reports into Workbench:
A custom tile on the home screen with the report or Dashboard URL.
Job Enquiry 'Dashboard' tab to display a job specific report or dashboard.
Report or Dashboard on Workbench Home screen.
Print button - for those report types that are linked to a Document type.
From within Sharperlight, using a browser or excel add-in.
1 - Custom tile:
Create a custom tile with the report or Dashboard URL, so you can access all the resources you need from Workbench without the need to go and find saved links in your browser. Check out how to personalise a tile here. You can create as many tiles as needed and they will only appear on your home screen. If you want other users to have these tiles by default you can do so from User setup or from Settings (setting name: Dashboard Tiles).
2- Job Enquiry 'Dashboard' tab:
Display key job data in Job Enquiry's Dashboard tab. See details of how this works in Job Enquiry Dashboard. This is enabled with a setting that can be set at different levels: for specific users, Profit Centres, location, Financial Company or for everyone.
3- Workbench Home Screen:
A Sharperlight dashboard or report can be added to Workbench Home screen. This is controlled by Control Parameter: Home Page Frame Url
The value in the parameter is the URL to a Sharperlight Dashboard or report. Note that when this is populated the Sharperlight login page will appear on every Workbench user on their home screen. The space on the home screen will be shared between Tiles and the Sharperlight Dashboard or report. If a user does not have credentials to login to Sharperlight, no data or reports will be shown, only the login screen.
4- Reports where parameters are fixed:
Reports where parameters are fixed like Purchase Orders, Subcontract Claims, AR Invoices, Work Orders, etc., that are rendered from the Print button of these specific documents. Example: a custom AR invoice where the AR invoice number is passed as a parameter. These can be set as a new Report entry in Reports and the Rendering Mode must be Sharperlight. The base url comes from the Control Parameter ‘Sharperlight Base URL' and the rest comes from the report URL. Together, these two parts form the Sharperlight report url which will be used by Workbench to get to the report. Workbench will use credentials stored in the below Control Parameters ‘Sharperlight Login’ and 'Sharperlight Password’ to login to Sharperlight, allowing any user to run a report regardless of them having access to Sharperlight or not.
Build your Sharperlight report to have filters with the exact same name as the parameters in the corresponding SSRS report for the corresponding report type.
The report needs to be set as a new entry in Reports, for the specific Report Type. Then added to a Report Group to make it available to users.
Next Steps:
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: