Notifications in Upvise

Notifications in Upvise

Form Notifications

  1. For forms with no workflow:
    You can configure the list of manager users to be notified when a form is submitted.
    Go to Forms App > Templates (left pane) > select one template > Info > Notify Manager Users combo-box.

  2. For Forms with workflow:
    a notification is sent to each user part of a particular workflow and also to the users set in Notify Manager Users combo-box

Administrators can decide to disable the above form notifications by going to User Settings > select one user / Notification tab >
and unchecking the checkbox: Form state change

Notification Delivery Method

By default, when a new database is created, notifications are sent by email AND also as an in-app push notification if the user is logged on a mobile device.
(If a user is logged in with the same email on multiple devices, only the last Android device and last iPhone device will receive in-app push notification).
Administrators can apply a setting to send notifications ONLY by email or ONLY by in-app in Settings > Company / Edit > Notification Method combo box.

  • Remarks:
    There is a server-side enforced hard limit to sending one notification to only the first 20 recipients in order to avoid server-side overload.
    Make sure the number of users in any workflow state / in the Notify Managers field does not exceed this limit

Other questions

  1. If an application is hidden from a user (for example Forms app is hidden)
    Notification will still be sent, but when clicking on it, if the application is hidden, nothing will happen

  2. Punch Item notifications:

  • When a punch is assigned to a user, we send a notification to them.

  • When a punch is completed, a notification is sent to the user who created the punch.

  • The punch notification is sent via email and/or in-app depending on the company settings

  • There is no way to currently manually send notifications to a custom user.

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