Language Translation

Language Translation


This functionality is enabled in very limited places on Web Workbench. Below is an example of a translation enabled on the Service Logs list for the Workflow Status column.

Screen Guide:

Translations only take into effect after the web application has been restarted. For Workbench isnatnces hosted by Workbench cloud servers, this happens every weekend on a Scheduled Maintenance.

In the Language Translation screen add a new entry for the word or expression that needs to be translated.

  • String is the original word or expression from Workbench.

  • Translation is where the value that will replace the text on STring column is entered.

In the example of the Service Log Workflow Status, the original Workflow Status Allocated is chnaged to 'Open/Assigned/Allocated'

Next Steps:

The application must be restarted. Often this can happen overnight only, when no other users are logedin to Workbench.

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There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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