Metadata Editor

Metadata Editor


Metadata Editor is only used with legacy Daily Diary module (not Upvise) and with Legacy Human Resources module. Neither module is supported anymore. Both have been replaced by functionality on Upvise.


Screen Guide:

i. Create a new EAV (Entity Attribute Values) Class

Metadata Editor select 'Add Class'  enter Code and Name (no spaces in Code) . Save.

Add Attributes by selecting 'Attributes'. Attributes lines become the columns on a screen. Select attribute type     

Select 'Lookup Code' if attribute type 'Lookup' had been selected
     see also  Metadata that includes Companies
enter Code, without any spaces
enter Name
enter Priority, the sequence the line will appear as a column on the screen
enter/tick other appropriate fields




Next Steps:

Related Pages:


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow: