Job Schedule Viewer
Displayed Jobs
When opening the Job Scheduler view, the displayed jobs are those that are flagged as 'Require Scheduling', are not Closed or Finalised, and have not already been scheduled.
Filter options are provided in the Job Selection section
Displayed People
The people to be scheduled are displayed in the right hand panel being those from the 'All' Work Group'. To select a different Work Group type into the Work Group field and an auto selection list will display. Alternatively click the magnifying glass for a selection list.
The displayed list of people will change accordingly
To schedule the Person, drag and drop the selected Person onto the Schedule
Displayed Plant
The plant to be scheduled are displayed in the right hand panels being either a Plant Class or a Plant Group, depending on an Organisations approach to organising Plant.
To schedule the Plant, drag and drop the selected Plant onto the Schedule
Has Been Scheduled
The tick box to the right of the Hours Balance column allows the user manual control of flagging that a Job has been dealt with. The Schedule selection in the Filter Criteria, when set to No, will exclude these scheduled items from the display.
To redisplay the Job, apply the Filter 'Scheduled' = 'Yes', and un-tick the Job
Scheduler - select People
Scheduler - select Plant Class
Move Scheduled Events for a Job
To move Scheduled Events for a Job see Move Scheduled Events by Row
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Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: