Business Central FAQs

After successful Authorise of the connection to BC, click on [Test] button. The checkbox Extension Installed will be ticked if the custom extension is installed in BC.


There are no companies updated on or after the Last Update date value in the integration page. Set this date picker to an earlier date to get companies. On first import we recommend setting to year 2000 then Save the form before importing.

Make sure the intended VAT setup is configured in GST/VAT Posting Setup page in BC.

When posting AP/AR in BC, GST/VAT Bus. Posting Group is inherited from BC’s Vendor/Customer and Prod. Posting Group is Worbkench’s Export Code if the account in BC does not have it.

Note: This could also be triggered when the Vendor’s GST/VAT Bus. Posting Group and the Account’s GST/VAT Prod Posting Group combination does not exists in the GST/VAT Posting Setup


Cause: Blocked GST/VAT Posting combination cannot be used to post documents in BC.

Solution: Make sure that the GST Types export codes in WB are in line with BC. Request the client to update Vendor/Customer and Account’s GST Bus. Posting Group to correct value.

Cause: This error is caused by Vendor/Customer setup in BC. The vendor/customer’s payment term code is not found in the list of Payment Terms in BC.

Solution: Request the client to update the Vendor/Customer payment term code to a valid value.