Business Central Integration


Check the Business Central FAQs page for further help with commonly asked questions or common error messages from the integration.

Workbench integrates with Business Central using Business Central API. This is used to export all financial documents into Business Central and to import into Workbench Clients, Suppliers, and their contacts, as well as any payments and Job receipts.

The integration requires Custom Extensions to be installed in Business Central and the configuration of Dimensions in Workbench once the connection has been established. All of these steps are referenced below.

Screen Guide:


Integration screen in Workbench


  • Fin Co Code (Financial Company Code): indicates the financial company in Workbench that is being configured in this integration screen.

  • Tenant id: Is manually populated and can be found in Business Central.

  • Environment: Defaults to “Production“. This caters for Business Central tenants that have multiple Environments.

  • Access Token: a read-only field populated once the connection with Business Central is successfully established with the Authorise button.

  • Connected Company: displays the options available in Business Central for the Tenant indicated above.

  • Dimension 1 and Dimension 2: depend on the custom dimensions configured on each Business Central, and these options are populated by clicking on the Get Dimensions button.
    Once a Dimension 2 is selected the Dimension 2 Value field becomes available with the options below:

    • Job Code

    • Job Group export category - the Job Group Description (not Code) gets exported to BC.

    • Job Type - the Job Type Code (not Description) gets exported to BC.

    • Note: Dimension 1 is exported to both the Invoice Header and Invoice Lines in Business Central, but Dimension 2 is only exported to the Invoice Lines in Business Central.

  • AP Credit Memo Reason Code: This will be used to populate the Reason Code in Business Central when exporting AP Credits (Vendor > Ledger Entries > AP Credit)

  • Last Update is a time stamp that indicates the last time the scheduled task that performs imports from Business Central to Workbench was executed. This can be manually backdated if the user finds that something was not imported but was updated in the past. Just change the date to backdate, and Save. After that, the Import button can be used to manually trigger an import.

  • Imports: Companies, Job Receipts, Payments, GL Accounts are the imports available from Business Central to Workbench. When selected these are imported automatically by a scheduled task in Workbench, but manual imports can be triggered with the Import button.

    • Partial Job Receipts are supported.

    • Payments in Business Central processed via Payment Journals can be imported.

  • Extension Installed: This is used to determine if a Custom Extension has been installed in Business Central and to determine how the system will handle AP Credit Exports.

    • Handling when custom extension is installed:
      On vendor/supplier import saves ABN as GST number in Workbench.
      On client import saves ABN as GST number in Workbench.

    • Handling when custom extension is not installed:
      AP Credit export will show an error - “AP Credit export not supported. Install custom extension in Dynamics”
      Supplier GST number will be mapped to Tax Registration instead of ABN.

  • Change AR Posted Doc No: Indicates that Workbench AR Invoice Number will be used as Business Central Document Number when exporting an AR invoice to Business Central (AR Invoice and Credits).

  • Pass JobCode to Your Reference: When exporting AR Invoices and AR Credits, the Job Code can be exported as the “Your Reference“ field in Wiise and Business Central.

  • Authorize: Once you have entered the Tenant ID and Environment, click on Authorize to connect to Business Central.

  • Disconnect will allow you to completely disconnect from the Business Central API. This might be useful in cases where you want to reset the connection.

  • Get Dimensions: Dimension 1 and Dimension 2 values are populated when the user clicks on the Get Dimension button. These values are from the client’s Business Central/WIISE instance and will be custom to each client.

  • Test is used to test the connection to the Business Central API. The results show up on the line below the buttons, next to the refresh button. This area at the bottom of the screen helps you identify what has been imported and understand if there are any connection errors. But the exports to the financials are done from Export Control, where each batch can be closed if it is ready to export, and exported. The batch will be flagged as Succeeded if it was exported successfully, or there will be an error log if an error is encountered. The Business Central FAQ page is useful to help you troubleshoot commonly found errors.

Next Steps:

  • Once the integration has been configured, and the connection has been tested, the first step is to import Companies which includes Suppliers, Clients, and their contacts. This can be done by backdating the Last Update date to an appropriate date, saving and clicking the Import button.



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Process Flow: