4.5.17 - 15 Nov 2021

4.5.17 - 15 Nov 2021

Workbench Release Notes:

HotFix Release

Scheduled Release - 20 November 2021


On Activity and Work Centre Cost Sheet types, Time activities are now selectable on those Activity type lines.


Approval status on each Claim line was only being set on lines that are being claimed. This has been rectified and the approval status (if it exists) is set on all Claim lines.

General Release

Scheduled Release - 15 November 2021

HotFix Release

Scheduled Release - 08 November 2021

Addresses an error when saving new Job Budgets. This was caused after a change was made on this version to recognize the Budget Input Type from the Input Type on Cost sheets, on those cases where the Quote Cost sheet was turned into a Job Budget.

Beta Release

Scheduled Release - 08 November 2021

Feature Revisions


  • Contracts licence - Production measures is now included.


  • Attachments: Drag & Drop feature to attach files on approved POs was not working and it has now been rectified.


  • Job Enquiry - Job Summary: Markup % column was not calculating properly and has been rectified. Reminder: this column toggles from Markup % to Margin % based on Control Parameter Job Margin Display

CP Value for Job Margin Display




Margin %



Markup %



  • Resource Forecasting: Job Work Centre descriptions are now displayed in the Forecast Plant and Forecast Labour Work Centre filters. It was previously displaying standard Work Centre descriptions.


  • Plant Issues' Work Centre:

    • Where they exist, Job Work Centres are now displayed for selection.

    • The default Work Centre presented on plant issues entry is now validated against Job Work Centres for the Job.

  • Timesheets’ Plant issues: The Year/Period on plant issue transactions added from a Daysheet Timesheet line, is now defined by the transaction date (daysheet date), and not by the Timesheet Week Ending date.


  • Subcontract code display: When opening a Subcontract, regardless of what tab is opened, the Subcontract details at the top now display Subcontractor name. This is in order to provide clarity in a job with multiple subcontractors performing similar functions, without the need to go to the Subcontract tab.

    "Subcontract - <Subbie> - <Code> : <Description>"

  • Work Orders: 4 decimal places on Quantity and Rates are now allowed Work Order lines.


New report: Stock Reconciliation Report - Reconciliation type report showing stock posting to financials for the specified FinCo and Year/Period. It is recommended to run it after the Stock Period Close Out process has been run and compare to the Stock Valuation Report to make sure they balance.


  • Claim Schedule line status: With Claim schedule billing, a status can be recorded on claim lines, particularly on variations to indicate whether it has been approved or not. Currently this status is recorded on the claim schedule itself.

    To capture the approval status on each claimed line at the time of billing, the status can now also be recorded on the claim lines themselves when saving the claim. This allows users to see the exact status of the schedule line when going through the Claims.

    When a Claim is created, the claim lines status will be populated with the current Schedule line status.

A data update script will populate this column where is populated on the schedule but not the claim line for backwards compatibility.

The following existing reports will display the recorded status on the Claim lines:

“Contract Claim Schedule by Line Status” (wbContractClaim012)

“Detailed Payment Claim Certificate by Line Status” (wbContractClaim015) 

“Payment Claim Certificate / Invoice by Line Status“ (wbContractClaim016)

  • Unexport utility and workflow status: After running the unexport AR invoices utility (wbUnexportAPARInvoice) the workflow status is now reset ready to be submitted again (it was previously changed to Approved), and the Invoice status is still being changed to ENTERED (this behavior has not changed).


Further enhancements:

  • Job Budget created from an approved quote:

    • if the quote input is set to Revenue & Cost Element, the revenue line description in the budget now displays Job Work Centre description.

    • the budget grid is now defined by the Cost Sheet Input type: At Activity, Work Centre, At Cost element, At Revenue & Cost Element.

  • Time Codes on Cost Sheets: The entry of Time Codes has been enabled on labour lines, in both the At Cost Element and Revenue & Cost Element grids.

  • Line Code and Activity selection:

    • On Cost sheets Item lines, purchase activities are now available for selection (in addition to stock activities).

    • Line code selection pop up: for the Description filter the default operator is now 'Like'

    • Display activity type and sub type on Activity popup menu:

    • Corrected paging on Activity picker popup. Page number is reset to 1 on each page open.

Service Desk:

  • Service Logs: All Job Transactions generated from a Log have a link back to this log. In some cases Plant issues did not have a link to the log that originated them, and this has been rectified.




  • Time Codes in Timesheet entries: When syncing timesheet lines from Upvise to Workbench, a Time Code is populated if it is not provided by Upvise, where the CP ‘Default Time Time Code’ is populated and is valid for the timesheet line.

    Uses same logic as Workbench time entry for valid timesheet lines

    • Default Time Time Code or Default Disb Time Code control parameter based on activity type selected.

    • Checks if activity uses time codes.

    • Checks if the time code has any generic line or line for the activity/employee class.

    • Will prioritize the time code selected on form if that is provided.

    A warning will show in sync logs if the time code is invalid and will import the timesheet line with no Time Code.

MYOB Advanced:

  • In some cases AP Credit’s attachments were not being exported to MYOB. This has now been corrected.

  • Suppliers import to Workbench: Suppliers imported into Workbench were only imported into the first finco defined in the Financial Company attribute. Those suppliers with multiple fincos on this attribute, will now be imported into each finco on that list.

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