4.5.1 - 29 Mar 2021
Hotfix Release
Scheduled Release - 30 Mar 2021
General - Withheld the new formatted numeric control due to deployment issue.
Beta Release
Scheduled Release - 29 Mar 2021
New Features
Input Based Billing - EBA Billing
Billing of the final transaction cost i.e. including the EBA cost is now supported for web enhanced EBA.
A. Post EBA processing then Payroll link on the Timesheet Administration will indicate the number of resultant payroll transactions.
B. In this example the source timesheet transaction resulted in 3 payroll transactions as displayed in the Payroll popup.
C. The Charge Type now has the new ‘Billing from EBA’ indicator as an attribute.
D. Where an EBA billing Charge Type is referenced for the Job, the EBA/Payroll transactions are displayed in Get Sales.
E. The EBA/Payroll transactions have the line type ‘EBA’.
F. An EBA type has also been added to the Line Type filter.
G. EBA transactions from the same source transaction must be processed together. So when invoicing EBA transactions and clicking Save/Generate, any pending EBA transaction will be automatically written-off.
H. Specific EBA totals have also been added to the Summary tab for better visibility.
Feature Revisions
Company - Inactive Groups on the Attributes tab are now auto excluded by the picker.
Person - Inactive Groups on the Attributes tab are now auto excluded by the picker.
Timesheet Administration - The Weekly form of this screen has been amended to allow editing consistent with recent changes made to the daily form.
Purchase Requisitions List - Filters have been adjusted to support selection of closed and finalised Jobs.
Purchase Requisition - The Reassign action available from the Workflow popup is now also available on the option button. Note this is after PR is submitted, so when opened from Purchase Requisitions - Review Admin List screen.
Purchase Order List -
Filters have been adjusted to support selection of closed and finalised Jobs.
Filters have been adjusted to support selection of inactive suppliers.
AP Voucher List - The display of MDE originated AP credit values will now be displayed as unsigned to be consistent with web originated AP credits. They were previously displayed as negatives.
AP Voucher -
A precision issue has been rectified on the validation checking for the header values equating to the sum of the lines.
To improve usability the ‘Receipted Not Invoiced’ default option on the PO Lines tab will now only display those PO lines that have been receipted.
Job Costing
Quote [BETA] - The following improvements have been made based on feedback from early adopters:
Activity Group is now mandatory on the Quote, and is defaulted into the Cost Sheets. This can then be used to drive the Work Centre defaulting.
The Quote Price Code will now default based on the control parameter ‘Quote Default Price Code’ if specified.
When a Job is created using the wizard the Job reference will be brought back into the Quote.
In the Revenue-Cost input format the cost subgrid lines will default to the Workcentre of the parent revenue line.
Rectified the issue where cost subgrid line quantities were not being updated when the revenue quantity was updated if the subgrid was collapsed.
The subgrid interaction when using Bills Of Materials (BOMs) has been improved.
The Quote report email has been enhanced to use the 'Report - Quote' email template with extensive token support.
Job Maintenance - Inactive Job Groups on the Job Group tab are now auto excluded by the picker.
Job Sales Invoice List - The ‘Invoice Status’ filter and ‘Status’ column are amended to be consistent with workflow states where this is the configured approval process.
Job Sales Invoice - Job invoice lines imported from an Excel file will now display in the line order as per the file.
Bulk Send Final Invoices - The email mechanism for bulk send is further refined as the send issue with Office365 appears to only affect large number of invoices sent. To support the smaller client that prefer to use Office 365 for sending job invoices, a new ctrl parameter ‘Office 365 Bulk Email' is introduced that is ‘On’ by default can be turned 'Off’ by clients experiencing the bulk send issue.
Subcontract Claim - The field ‘This Claim’ is now editable to provides an alternative entry perspective to the existing Claim To Date - % Done, Qty, and Value. Specifying a value for ‘This Claim’ will auto calculate the other perspectives.
Plant Item List - A default filter has been added to exclude inactive Plant.
Plant Enquiry - The default Year-Period filter on the Transactions tab has been amended to <=, and Excel Export support has been added.
Inwards Goods - The batch date will now be the receipt date for the Job Adjustment batch since the end-of-period date was not easily visible from the financials.
Datasheets - Upvise template integration with datasheets has been changed to populate template codes with text rather than the GUID value from Upvise. This facilitates Sharperlight report creation from the related datasheets.