4.5.18 - 29 Nov 2021
Workbench Release Notes:
Sharperlight Data Model Update 2.4.0
An updated data model is now available. It will be automatically released to AWS hosted sites.
It has a number of changes including:
Added new tables for: Resource Forecasting, Serial Numbers, Plant Assignments, SyncLogs
Added Daysheets (DocketHeaders) table with related data
Added new columns to various tables
Fixed Docket Commitment flag on Purchase Orders
Using vwJobActivityWorkCentres view as source for Job Activities table
Hotfix Release
Scheduled Release - 03 December 2021
AP Vouchers:
AP Invoice Image panel incorrectly sized issue has been rectified.
General Release
Scheduled Release - 29 November 2021
Beta Release
Scheduled Release - 22 November 2021
Feature Revisions
Job Budgets:
A new column SequenceNo has been added to budgets.On the Revenue and Cost Element mode, the cost lines under each revenue line will have their own sequence 10, 20 30...
Default sequence numbers are automatically populated for new lines in increments of 10.
Contracts - Budget filters:
The Description and Client Reference filters on the Budget tab of a Contract returned an error when using the "like" or "starts with" operators. This has been rectified. They are now not case sensitive.Client on a Job Contract:
The client on a contract should always be the same as the client on the contract job for this reason we have made the Client on the Contract read only.
If the Client changes on the Job, the client on the Contract will be changed automatically.Existing Contract reports have been reviewed and as a result we are not installing the below list on new Workbench instances:
-wbContractClaim001 - Contract Claim Schedule by Output Code.
-wbContractClaim004 - Payment Claim Invoice Preview.
-wbContractClaim006 - Payment Claim Certificate / Invoice.
-wbContractClaim007 - Invoice / Payment Claim Certificate
-wbContractClaim016 - Payment Claim Certificate / Invoice by Line Status
-wbContract005 Contract Budget Revenue
-wbContractScheduleReport001- Contract Schedule Report (MDE). References MDE, not needed on new installs.Contracts - Resource Forecasting:
A new control has been added on Labour and Plant Forecast screens, that allows users to reset to zero the values on ALL rows (even if the are collapsed and not visible on the screen) for a a specified weekending column.This is primarily to cater for when Actuals start overlapping into the forecast.
Contract Claim reports: All of the Contract Claim reports (run from with in a Contract Claim), have had the field Claim Date updated to reflect the actual Claim Date rather than the Invoice (posting) Date, as it was before.
Messages tab con subcontracts:
Message history was not being displayed. This has been rectified.New Claim attachment:
When creating a new claim attachment from Subcontract Claims screen, the selection of subcontracts for the supplier is now excluding any subcontracts for jobs which are closed or finalised.Subcontract Claims status:
When not using auto-batch after approval on Subcontract claims, the status was not being displayed correctly for an Approved claim in Subcontract Claims. This has now been rectified.
EBA Payroll transactions:
Recost/reprice utility now includes all Payroll transactions generated by EBA Interpreter (EBA in mode = 'Payroll')Timesheet report - wbTime005 - Time report with Disbursements and Allowances. When having more than 1 plant issue on a line, the total time hours were not calculating properly, and this has been rectified.
Improved filters when copying existing Cost Sheets into a Quote:
Quote Number filter is now optional,
changed filters to the Workbench standard layout,
new columns displayed: Quote Code and sequence.
new Client filter and new Cost Sheet description filter.
Copy Cost Sheets
Month End:
Inter-company enhancements:
CreditsOn Inter-company batch generation, when the AR and AP invoices turn out to be negative, the system will create them as AR or AP Credits and are put in the correct batch type.
Same for negative contract claims, the system will automatically create them in an AR Credit batch.Invoice Numbers
To facilitate matching of payments in the financials, the system now populates the Inter-company AP Invoice number with the invoice number of the corresponding AR Invoice.
When generating Inter-company for AP Invoices, the GST is now applied according to the GST values and Tax Codes on the source invoice.
Inter-company reconciliation report
A Reconciliation type report listing the batches which have had inter-company generated, and showing the batch number and export status of each of the related inter-co AP Invoices. This report can be run from Management reports under Job Reports.
System Setup:
GST Types: a new editable column Reciprocal Code has been added. This is used to determine the output code corresponding to a given input code when generating inter-company AR invoices.
MYOB AccountRight:
Tax Code on MYOB GL Journals: Tax code is updated in MYOB when there is a Tax Code in the Journal transaction in Workbench.
Business Central:
Syncing of AR Receipts and AP Payments from Business Central to Workbench has been enabled.
Vendor/Customer names:
A new custom extension has been created in Business Central that gets Name 2 of a vendor/customer.
In Workbench, when the extension is installed in Business Central, vendor/customer name is mapped to Name1 only if Name2 is not set.
Import process from Xero to Workbench has now an automated schedule. The sync can still be triggered manually when needed with the Import button on the Xero Integration screen.