4.6.3 - 20 Mar 2023

4.6.3 - 20 Mar 2023

Workbench Release Notes

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
We are excited to announce that multi-factor authentication (MFA) will soon be available for System Administrators to enable on their Workbench instances. With MFA, you will have an added layer of security when accessing your Workbench account, making it even more difficult for unauthorized users to gain access.
More information will be available soon. For now, there is nothing for you to do, other than getting excited!




New Data Model version 2.0.6 is now available.

Enhancements and new data available:

WorkOrders entity
Bonds link on Jobs
Extension tables for Vouchers, WorkOrders, and DocumentRegister
Plant Movements using EventLog
Various new columns
Updates to GLAccounts table and vwJobFinancialData
Link to JobWorkCentres on Job Data By Period view


General Release

Scheduled Release - 20 March 2023

Beta Release

Scheduled Release - 13 March 2023

New Features

  • Enhancements to the Work Centre picker:

    The Suggestion List for possible Work Centres values to be selected on all data entry screens has been enhanced so a list of valid values displays as soon as the user clicks on the field. It has changed from requiring 2 or 3 digits (depending on the screen) being entered for the system to display a Suggested List, to now not requiring any digits for the user to get a list of values to select.


  • Companies - Commercial Contact:
    A new option to add a Commercial Contact on Companies has been added. People can now be flagged as:
    Commercial Contact, Site Contact, and/or Billing Contact.


  • Application Access:

    • Controlled user access to data imports with new permissions:

      Data imports now have a permission to control access to each specific data import option. There is one generic permission that gives a user access to Run All Imports, or each individual permission can be selected if more appropriate.

      The General role, which is a ‘Global' role defined by Workbench (and a role that is applied to all users in Workbench) includes this new 'Run All Imports’ permission so no action is required by Administrators unless access to specific imports is to be removed now that this is possible.

    • Improved design on Roles screen:

      • A practical collapse/expand feature has been added to the Role maintenance screen which assists the administrator when maintaining the roles and their permissions included.

      • A new Details filter option.

      • The Included column can now be ticked to include/exclude the filtered selection.


Feature Revisions


  • Contracts

    • WIP Tab - Forecast Profit % field display format has been fixed and now displays the correct %.

    • WIP reversals:
      In order to ensure WIP reversals are populated so that the reporting is accurate, a new validation has been introduced when running a report that includes WIP, to make sure WIP batch reversals for the previous period have been created (or generate reversal if required).

Dockets & Daysheets

  • Enhancements to Docket reconciliation functionality. See below under Month End section.


  • AP Vouchers - Payment Due Date:
    The Payment Due Date of the AP Invoice can now be made available on the AP Voucher screen. To do this an Administrator needs to enable it from Grid Management.

  • Attachments on Inwards Goods:

    • Users are now able to attach files during the Inwards Goods process, without having to close the screen and open it again.

    • Files attached on the mobile inwards goods screen are now visible when checking the Inwards Goods entry at a later stage (from both web and mobile screens).


  • Changing Rate Code on a Plant Stand Down:
    Changing the Rate code from the rate code on the original Plant Assignment to a different one when saving a Plant Stand Down was not allowed, and now it is.


  • EBA - new allowance Group options for a simplified setup:

New Allowance Groups are now available to make the configuration of EBA profile allowances easier. Weekday and Weekend, can now be used to generate allowances that are required for each day of the week worked or for each weekend day worked (Mon & Sat). Other Groups specific for each day can also be used in case there are day-specific rules (Groups can be added to the Lookups table: Monday, Tuesday, etc). See this link for more details on configuration EBA Profiles | Allowances Tab:


  • Job Sales Credit - invalid error message rectified:
    When creating a new Sales Credit and using the 'Apply Number' picker before selecting a Client an invalid error was coming up (“This method supports the LINQ to Entities infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.” ).


  • Updating Markup % value on Cost lines (At Cost Element):
    When updating the cost of the items using BOMs line items, the markup % and Rate were not updated automatically when the user updated the cost and clicked away with the mouse (using Tab works as expected). This has been rectified.

  • Handle no Cost lines on a Revenue line (At Revenue & Cost Element):
    When all Cost lines on a Revenue line are deleted the Cost Rate and Total Cost on a Revenue line were not updated to equal $0. This has been now rectified.

  • Zero Markup (At Cost Element):
    On an At Cost Element Cost Sheet, changing the Markup % to zero was not recalculating the selling rate. This has been rectified.

Service Desk

  • Finalised Log status to stop additional costs from being added:
    When a Log has the Finalised status, the system now prevents additional costs from being entered via other data entry screens like Daily Timesheets, AP Voucher - This Voucher tab, AP Invoices. The Log pickers on these screens will not allow the selection of a finalised Service Log.

  • The Email field incorrectly showed in the Attachments tab:
    When Office365 authentication is enabled, an email picker was visible in the Attachments pop-up screen of Service logs. This was inadvertently enabled and has been removed from this screen as it has no functionality in it.

Month End

  • Docket reconciliation & Reversal process enhancements:

    • When Dockets are reversed they are now included in a batch of their own for reversals only, different from standard Docket batches.

    • The original docket date is applied to the reversal and the period for that date will be used as long as it is open. If that period is closed, the first open period will be used. For selected docket lines this might mean there will be different period and batches involved.

    • A new Select All option has been added, which means fewer clicks!

    • Formatting on totals improved.

    • Closed jobs are now selectable on the filters.

  • Batch Control History:
    The history of all actions performed on a batch is now stored and can be accessed through the new History button on a batch header. The batch Notes are still populated with this history but it has a limit of 1000 characters, so in the case of a batch that has had many actions performed to it and the Notes grow bigger than 1000 digits, the audit notes can be deleted and only the latest ones are left. However, there is still a trace of all the changes on the History table which cannot be deleted.

System Setup

  • Reporting

    • Reports - .rdl files list order:
      The list that displays the custom .rdl files attached to a Report record now displays the list in descending order by Upload Date in both the mouse-over list that comes up when hovering over the paper clip and the pop-up screen where these files are attached.


  • Users - blank licence allocation:
    Users could be allocated a blank licence from the Licences section on the Application Access tab, and that was causing issues with the validations of the overall licence availability. This has been rectified.

  • Data Transfer

    • Data Imports - Plant Issues import:
      LogNo is now an additional and optional column on the wbImportPlantIssues import.

      The import validates that the LogHeader exists and it belongs to the same job as the plant issue being imported.

  • System Admin

    • Application Log search filters:
      Users can now use the new filter on the Application Log to search for specific text.


  • GLAccounts table:
    The GLAccounts table in Workbench can now be populated with an import. This table is not accessible from the UI but can be used for reporting purposes, typically from a Sharperlight report.
    It now also has extra columns:

    • GLCode (50 characters).

    • SequenceNo (new).

    • Section (new).

    • Subsection (new).




  • A new integration screen has been developed for testing integration with SAP B1 using an SAP agent.
    This screen requires the latest version of the SAP agent. Please contact our support team for an upgrade.


  • AP/AR Attachment files from Workbench to Xero:
    When using the option to include AP/AR attachments with the AP and AR invoices that are exported to Xero, and for those clients hosted on AWS by Workbench that have been migrated to use the AWS S3 File Storage option, these attachments were being exported as notfound.gif. This has been rectified.



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