Discussions is an area to manage notifications produced by the system, and can be accessed by clicking on the "bell" icon in the top right corner of Workbench, next to your user name. Doing so will drop down a list of current notifications if there is a red number indicating that there are unchecked notifications, or alternatively produce the "There are no discussions to show" message. To navigate to the Discussions screen, simply click on the blue "See all notifications →" link.
Screen Guide:
By default, the Discussions screen will only show messages marked as "Viewed = no", but you can change the filter to show previously checked messages, or remove the filter to see all messages. Depending on where the message originated from, the link in the Subject field will take you to the document's origin.
Subject is an automated subject for most originations, but is custom text when a user sends a direct message to another. Clicking this link navigates you to the document's origin to view and/or respond.
Description, in the case of a user message, is the body of the text. System generated messages may leave this field blank.
Date is the default sorting column, and is the date that the notification was generated.
To quickly clear your unviewed messages, albeit without actually visiting the source document, you can click the Mark All as Viewed button in the bottom right corner. Remember, you can always revisit old documents by changing the filter to show Viewed notifications.
Next Steps:
To view the source of the notification, simply click the Subject field of the line you wish to investigate.
Related Pages:
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: