Utility Scheduler

Utility Scheduler


The Utility Scheduler provides the mechanism to schedule the execution of specific tasks/utilities that have been registered as utility procedures and that have been flagged as a procedure that can be scheduled.

These tasks can be repetitive manual tasks that take up too much time, and could be automated and streamlined with a schedule.


Screen Guide:

This screen has the list of created schedules and the details of the next execution time and if theya re enabled or not.

Status which shows if it was successfully executed or it errored. Message records a summary of what happened last time the utility was executed ( error messages or summary of the results): Next Run time and Last Run time.


Step to configure the Utility Scheduler:

  1. Create New Schedule from the Utility Scheduler screen located under the Administration folder in the Standard site map profile.

  2. The Schedule has 2 tabs:

    1. Set Schedule:

      1. here choose an appropriate schedule. Only one can be configured. The schedule can be disabled if needed.

      2. Start Time (Local): Local time means the user’s local time. If the user creating the schedule is in New Zealand, the local time is New Zealand time.

        Schedule tab


      3. Set Utility:
        Add a row per utility. Most common use is to have one utility per schedule, but more than one is allowed. Select the utility from the list available on the picker.

        1. The line is populated with Parameters. These can be left as they appear by default or each Parameter (which are the words starting with double @ - example: @@Body) can be edited.

        2. Note there is always a comma separating the parameters.

  3. Save and this is ready to run.
    The main list of Schedules displays details on each scheduled utility reflecting:

    1. Status which shows if it was successfully executed or it errored. Message records a summary of what happened last time the utility was executed ( error messages or summary of the results).

    2. Next Run time and Last Run time.



Things to note:

  • Emails are sent using the STMP server which by default is Workbench Sendgrid STMP server (regardless of Office365 being enabled or not - O365 does not support well sending emails in bulk).

  • Email from is defined by the email address in Control Parameter: Send Email From

  • If the utility task is to send emails, every email sent is stored in Emails List (admin user can access this).

  • This is an example of the email reminder sent to employees to complete their timesheets for the week:

List of available utilities


Stored Procedure



Stored Procedure


Incomplete Timesheet Reminder


Sends weekly email to active employees (can be specified by Timesheet group and/or Profit Centre Group or single or multiple Site map profile IDs) missing the previous week’s timesheet. Below is an example of the email reminder sent to employees to complete their timesheets for the week.

This utility is designed to be scheduled the following day after the timesheet week has finished. Example: If your week ends on a Friday, schedule this on a Saturday or early Monday so when employees login again to work they see this reminder and complete their Timesheets ASAP and Payroll can be processed.
Remember that it always checks for the previous week timesheet (not the current week that has not finished yet).

Pending Timesheets Approval Reminder


Sends weekly email reminders to timesheets approvers who have unapproved timesheets for the previous week. Optional filter employees by Profit Centre or Timesheet Group or multi SiteMapProfileID.

Notice of Subcontractor Certified Claim Payments


Sends email notifications to the Subcontractor Commercial Contact informing a Payment was made into their account. This is only for Subcontract claims payments where the Subcontract’s Job has a Project Trust Account linked to it and where Payments are not older than a month.

On success, a new event log entry called ‘Certified Payments Notice Sent’ will be created on the AP Invoice event log and in the corresponding PTA to RTA event in the PTA Transfers event log.

Notice of Subcontract Claim Retentions transfer


Sends email notifications to the Subcontractor Commercial Contact informing a Withheld Retention amount has been moved from the Project Trust Account to the Retention Trust Account. It only includes transfers not older than a month.
On success, a new event log entry will be created on the corresponding PTA to RTA event in the PTA Transfers event log.

Re price unbilled transaction


Reprices (but does not recost) all transactions which:

  • are in the current period, which is still open for billing

  • have a job which has Input or Input Output based billing

  • are not already invoiced

It could be run on a schedule to make sure pricing is up to date.
It takes a parameter with a date in the format yyyy-mm-dd and it will include transactions with a date before or same as that in the parameter.
Tip: for scheduling, you can use a date far in the future like 2200-01-01

Subcontractor Insurance Expiry reminder


  • The utility will find all active subcontractors with insurance with an expiry date of today or in a certain number of days (DueDays) defined by the user.
    If the Insurance is linked to a Subcontract that is flagged as Complete it will be ignored.
    If the Subcontract is under a Job that is Finalised or the Job is Closed for Posting it will be ignored as well.

    The utility has a few parameters that must be set:

    • The email address of the employee who will receive the email reminders, mandatory

    • a cc email address,

    • an email address where to send a notification if there was an error sending the email reminders, mandatory

    • and most importantly a number of days before the Insurance expiry (Due Days) to send a reminder that the Insurance will soon expire. Example: 20 days before expiring.

Important things to remember:

  • The schedule must be scheduled daily, as it compares today's date with the expiry date.

  • Sends reminders by email to an employee for Subcontractors' Insurance soon to expire.

  • Sends reminders by email to an employee for Subcontractors' Insurance that expires on the day.

  • It does not send emails directly to the Subcontractors.

  • The email subject & body are designed so it can be forwarded to the subcontractor contact if appropriate, without having to edit it.

  • The same Insurance will be included in one email when the expiry date falls within the Due Days period defined by the user and again on the day the Insurance has expired.

    • Example: Due Days = 20

      • The first email will be sent 20 days before the Expiry Date.

      • The second email will be sent the day the Insurance expires.

  • The email body will include as many details as possible, in case the Admin person wants to verify if this is an appropriate email to send to the Subcontractor (for example: when did we use it last, does it have any active Subcontracts?).

    • It will include the subcontract code - description, the subcontractor contact name and email if there is one in the Subcontract, the Job the subcontract is linked to,

    • The Commercial Contact name and email

    • The Site Contact name and email.


Utility Parameters

The parameters must be defined and the body text can be tweaked if preferred. If you have multiple Financial Companies, the signature at the bottom of the email includes the Financial Company name. This can also be removed if preferred.

@@To= , mandatory
@@ErrorToEmail=, mandatory
@@Subject=Notification of Insurance expiry $InsuranceName $InsuranceCertificateNo expires $InsuranceExpiryDate, This text can be changed if prefered
@@Body=<p></p><p>It looks like your insurance is due to expire:</p><p>$InsuranceDetails</p><p>Kindly attend to this.</p><p>Thanks</p><p>$FinCoDesc</p>, This text can be changed if preferred. If you don’t want the Financial company name included remove this part: </p><p>$FinCoDesc</p>
@@DueInDays=20 Number of days to be notified before the insurance expires

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