

Disbursements are used to enter Internal Costs that are to be recovered against jobs. Please note the difference between Internal Costs and Purchases: Internal Costs are those items of expense which would not normally be charged directly to a Job (photocopying, printing, tolls, mileage, etc.) but some form of recovery is appropriate. This will also generate relevant General Ledger Journals for your Financial System. The Debit will be posted to the General Ledger Code associated with the Activity related to the Job selected, while the Credit will be passed to the General Ledger Code associated with the Activity selected for the Disbursement. You can create a set list of disbursement-type Activities and put them in an appropriate Activity Group.

Disbursements can also be made available for Timesheet Entry and/or Expense Claims via the Control Parameter Disbursements Display, with the related parameter Default Disb Time Code which allows you to set a default Time Code if they are used. You can choose to make a Time Code a Disbursement Time Code Type when creating them.

Plant Depreciation Costs are also created as Disbursement transactions, and there is a batch process that generates them from Generate Plant Depreciation.

Screen Guide:

Initial List:

We are first presented with a list of Disbursement Batches for the current period. You can adjust the Filter to show previous or closed batches.

The grid shows information about existing batches, with the Batch No serving as a hyperlink to the Batch Entry screen and the blue ellipsis button containing the link to edit the batch itself.

To enter data, we need to first create a new batch by clicking the New Batch button.

Create/Edit Batch:

The creation interface gives us the option of which Batch Date (and corresponding Period) that we want to enter data into. We also must give it a Reference and attribute it to a Financial Company.

If we used the Edit Batch link from the blue ellipsis button, the following popup will appear:

Here we can easily Close the batch or mark it as Not For Export, as well as update the Reference and Batch Notes.

Batch Entry:

The Batch Entry screen is reached by clicking on the Batch No in the Batch List. Here we can click + New Line to add disbursement entries in the batch Period.

  • Date is the Transaction Date that this disbursement line will reflect against.

  • Job Code allows you to select from your Jobs as the starting point to determine the disbursement's location in the work breakdown structure.

  • Activity selects from allowed Activities for the Job Code.

  • Work Centre selects from allowed Work Centres in the Job Maintenance View of the Job Code.

  • Quantity is the number of units for this disbursement.

  • Cost is the total cost for the disbursement. Note that the system will not multiply the Quantity and Cost fields so you must put the total of each in their fields.

  • Line Description should describe the disbursement, if not already done so through the default Activity.

  • Details is a field to add optional detail to give more context for the disbursement.

Next Steps:

Once entered, the batch can be left open for more disbursements for the month, or closed and exported through Export Control. 


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow: