
This screen serves as a list of all existing Accounts Receivable (AR) Invoices for your company. You can investigate using the Filter options, and create new invoices or credit notes. Workbench has several standard Charge Types, including Contract Claim, Input/Output Based, Quoted. The documentation is split based on these since the process differs depending on the type. Internal sales is supported and can be configured on each Charge type.

Screen Guide:


  • Type shows whether the line is an Invoice, Claim, or Credit (Inv, Clm, Cdt).

  • Reference is generally the Invoice/Credit/RCTI/BCI number of the line. It also serves as a link to open the invoice details.

  • Date is the invoice date for the document.

  • Job is which Job the document is related to. It can include billing for subjobs as well.

  • Title is the billing title, defaulting to the job description, but can be modified in Job Maintenance.

  • Client is the client Company of the invoice.

  • Status can be one of the following:

    • Entered means that it has been created, but not yet approved. It may or may not need additional data before being approved.

    • Approved means that an authorised approver has clicked approved for this document, indicating that it is ready to be sent to the client. It can be unapproved at any time and edited.

    • Sent means that the document was finalised and implies that the invoice was actually sent to the client. It can be unfinalised, but a copy of each sent invoice will be attached to the claim.

    • Updated means that the invoice has been exported with its batch to the financial software. The claim cannot be edited to retain consistency with the financial software.

    • Cancelled means that someone clicked cancel in the claim, removing all data but leaving a record of the cancelled claim.

  • Currency is the Currency of the Client.

  • Value is the total monetary value of the document.

  • GST is the taxable portion.

  • Incl. GST is the total value inclusive of the taxable portion.

  • Received is the total amount of all Receipts applied to this document. Receipts are imported from the Financial Software if the systems are connected, otherwise they can be manually created.

  • Cdt. Incl. GST if the document contains credits, the tax-inclusive amount will appear here.

  • Outstanding is the difference between the Incl. GST value and the Received value, indicating what has yet to come.


  • New invoice: For creating new AR invoice or Contract Claims

    • New Internal sales: for internal sale

    • New Revenue Journal: Details Revenue Journal

  • New Credit: For creating new AR Credit

Next Steps:

  • Continue to the appropriate file depending on the Charge Type for your invoice:

    • Contract Claim

    • Input and Output Based

    • Input Based Selling

    • Output Based

    • Quoted

    • Reallocate Job Revenue - This feature enables Job Invoices to be used to reallocate revenue to different jobs.

    • Surcharges and Discounts - Additional charges or discounts can be added at the time of billing. These can be a % of the sales value which is derived from the sales value at the time of billing or as a fixed Rate. Common uses for this can be applying discounts, adding Fuel charges, or a very particular scenario for Equipment Hire businesses where a Limitation of Liability can be charged. See details of how to configure this here.

  • Tax Code Validations for non-zero GST and Zero-GST lines:

    To ensure the correct use of Tax codes for non-zero GST and Zero-GST Accounts Receivable transactions (on AR Invoices, AR Credits, and Contract Claims) there are validation rules in place and Control Parameters 'GST Type for No GST Client ' is used in this process.

    • if the client is flagged to not Use GST, then the system will default the GST Code on every line to the 'GST Type for No GST Client' Control parameter value, otherwise, it will default to the GST Type on the Sales Code 

    • if a line has zero GST value, then the system will validate that the GST Type specified has a zero GST rate. An error message will be displayed if this is not correct. 

    • if a line has non-zero GST value, then the system will validate that the GST Type specified has a non-zero GST rate. An error message will be displayed if this is not correct.

  • Once invoices are Sent, they can be exported to the financial system via Export Control.

  • Set custom footer on AR Invoices and AR Credits with the appropriate Terms and Conditions and Payment details: Personalised text on Reports - footer & header


Process Flow: