4.3.1 - 09 Jan 2019

4.3.1 - 09 Jan 2019

Hotfix Release

Released 23 Jan 2019

  • Rectifies an issue where Dashboard reports were no longer receiving numeric filter criteria specified e.g. Invoice Number.

Hotfix Release

Released 18 Jan 2019

  • An oversight omitting the 'Voucher Credit' option from the Workflow Schema List filter criteria and Workflow Schema Detail document type.
  • Resolves mde style plant extension column view definitions that were not web compliant. This was caused by the ExtensionColumn.ComboList containing MS Access code which was incompatible with Transact SQL on some extension columns. Repopulate the ComboList with code that runs as SQL.

Hotfix Release

Released 17 Jan 2019

  • Intermittent saving issue was rectified. This was caused by the same issue affecting saving of documents on a new batch (below).
  • Create Batch - An issue was rectified where new documents could not be saved for a newly created batch, for example AP Invoice batch, Adjustment batch, and Disbursement batch.

Hotfix Release

Released 15 Jan 2019

  • Same functionality re-released due to Redis cache issue.

Base Release

Beta Release 09 Jan 2019

Important Notes

  • Δ  The minimum .NET Framework from this version is .NET Framework 4.6.2

New Features


The Send Email popups have been enhanced with the new Conversations panel; note the full automated email server integration requires MS Office 365 integration to be enabled, and this provides a more integrated email experience.

A.  The Conversations panel is displayed from the envelope icon or Send button from a report preview.
B.  The current functionality for email defaults and composition prevails.
C.  The new conversation history panel displays all emails send from the current document. If MS Office 365 authentication is enabled and configured, the history also automatically includes any email thread originating from this document i.e. send from WebWorkbench, including those from other users, and responses and forwards of those.
D.  After sending an email, it will be visible in the conversation history when this screen is next opened. With MS Office 365 authentication, the email is now sent from the user's account and is visible from the user's email client e.g. Outlook; rather than from a system account. Also, any interaction with these WebWorkbech originating emails (replies and forwards) can be made directly in the email client like Outlook, and will still auto sync and be visible in WebWorkbench. Note: This functionality is only available for AWS sites. 
E.  Selecting an email in the conversation history displays a preview of the email details.
F.  A previewed email may be replied to or forwarded as per usual. Note, the previous email body is not appended.
G.  Use Edit Message to return to the current email draft from the preview.

Job Budget Workflow Schema

Job Budget approvals have been upgraded to support Workflow Schemas instead of the base Approval model. This is in the same pattern as that for AP Vouchers. Some key points regarding this feature are listed.

•  The Job Budget screen now displays with the workflow elements as above.

•  Define appropriate workflow schema for Document Type of ‘Job Budget’.

•  Workflow schema functions remain as is, the pertinent being ‘Job Manager’ and ‘Job Account Manager’.

•  The workflow pattern is as that for AP Vouchers i.e.no technical review; only selectable reviewers & approvers.

•  Users with ‘Job Budget Admin Review/Approval’ permission may intervene in the approval process and require ‘Job Budget Approvers Limit’ setting that mandates approval limits.

•  The setting Job Budget Workflow Email Enabled defines email notification by the workflow at global or person level.

•  The ctrl param Job Budget Workflow Comments sets whether comments are used by the workflow.

•  To minimise operational interruption, a workflow schema ‘Default Budget Approval’ will be initialised with all individuals currently with ‘Approve Job Budget’ permission with a mandate of 1 million matching all FinCo’s. Please modify this as required.

Service Desk

  • Log Maintenance - The Extension tab has been enhanced to support conditional extension views. These definitions are generally mde compatible, although minor adjustment to Combo List syntax may be required in some instances.

A. From Extension Column Maintenance select the Extension Type to configure; this example uses LogHeader (i.e. Log Maintenance) as a typical example.

B. Click Views to navigate to Extension Views Maintenance.

C. Select the View to edit or create a new view; the example created a 'Address Details' view.

D. We assume there is not an appropriate Criteria, so we select New from the ellipsis menu.

E. The Criteria popup is displayed and we specify the details; specifically LogHeader.ServiceAgreementID as the criterion field. If we want a default section that always displays then define a Criteria of 'Form Default' with no table column selected.

F. On save the criteria is available.

G. We select our new criteria.

H. We specify the Criteria Value for which the view displayed e.g. an ID value of 12; note this time its a numeric key, in other instances it may be a more readable string.

I. We specify the fields to display in the view.

J. We Save our view configuration.

K. Preview will display an example from our data if we have any data meeting the criterion.

Feature Revisions


  • Attached File List - The list has been updated to limit the list to attachments uploaded by the current user, unless they have "Attachments Admin" permission, in which case they can see all attachments. 


  • Purchase Requisitions - The Cancel PR action now caters for 'Assigned' state but without change to other conditions i.e. can only be cancelled by the requester or a Purchase Requisition Admin.
  • AP Voucher -
    • Inactive suppliers will no longer be matched to AP Vouchers and the supplier picker will display as blank.
    • The Activity Code picker on 'This Voucher' will now also include Subcontractor activities.
    • The 'AP Closed' flag is now included when checking for a closed period.APAP Closed for the check Closed for the check


  • Budget List - The list is modified to now include empty budgets i.e. budgets with no lines.
  • Budget Details - The import screen was not supporting drag-drop and this is rectified.


  • Subcontract Claim - Some small revisions have been made to subcontract claim.

    • Payment Due Date:
      • The initial value for ctrl param 'Subcontract Claim Default Payment Days' defaults to 20.
      • The 'Claim Payment Days' field is now mandatory on Subcontract Dates tab.
      • For new subcontract, 'Claim Payment Days' default from ctrl param 'Subcontract Claim Default Payment Days'.
      • This will default based on the Claims Certification Days and
      • For existing subcontracts, if these days are null then the  calculation assumes these to be 0
      • If the date was changed, but the user then wishes to revert to the default; they can click on the Reset icon
    • Securities Act:
      • Allows for optional Securities Act dropdown
      • This is Lookup field of type ‘ClaimSecuritiesAct’, with an (example) item 'ABCC Security of Payments Act'
      • No rules are implemented against this field.
    • Status - This field will no longer include 'Entered' if the subcontractor does not have defined users on the system with 'Web Subcontractor Portal' license. This is to prevent inadvertently "locking out" the claim. The 'Entered' status indicates that the claim has been passed back to the subcontractor and disables internal editing. If there are 'Entered' claims without users (e.g. previously entered on mde) then submit these using the wbUtilitySetSubClaimAsSubmitted utility.


  • Retention Management - The label for the last column has been changed to 'Claim Today - Invoice No' to remove ambiguity, and the number no longer contains separators.


  • Plant Details - The Extension tab has been updated to be consistent with the enhancements to the Log Maintenance extension columns, and now also supports default sections that always display using a Criteria of 'Form Default' with no table column selected. The standard Web Portal view is updated to use this format.


  • Inwards Goods Mobile - Attachment support has been added to Inwards Goods Mobile. As per the desktop screen, the attachment will be made to the PO being referenced.


  • Utility List - The wbUtilityRebatchNegativeInvoices utility now allows the 'To Batch No' parameter to be blank, and in which case it will create a new batch.
  • Data Import -
    • The '.csv' file format is enhanced to support the quoted csv i.e. where column content is quoted as it contains a comma.
    • The MS Excel file format have been relabeled as '.xls*' for consistency


  • Report Dashboard Predicates - A new customisable Generic Picker is now available that provides up to 3 columns to be displayed in the suggestion list with search natively supported for all columns. This provides a rapid alternative to most basic predicate requirements without additional development. Note, use of this functionality requires access to the database as the picker functionality is enabled through a SQL function.


Financial General

  • Exports to financials with API integration (MYOB, Xero, MYOB Advanced) can now cater for custom population of export data using override procedures.
  • When Adjustment Reversal batches are created, a validation has been added to ensure the reversal period is open.
  • Where file-based exports are being used in an on-premise environment, a "Suppress Batch Export Emails" setting has been added to turn off the emailing of the export files.

MYOB Advanced

  • When posting AR and AP invoices into MYOB Advanced, the Batch Date rather than the Invoice Date is used to determine the Post Period. This has required Workbench's web service in MYOB Advanced to be upgraded. Workbench will connect to a different version of the web service. Upon update to Workbench 4.3, clients using the MYOB Adv. integration will need to have their customization project in MYOB Adv. updated as well, in order to keep the integration working.


  • The syncing of Plant Items with Upvise has been standardised, including custom fields where the field name in Upvise equals the Label on the plant extension column:
    • Equipment ID = Plant Code

    • Description = Plant Description

    • Model = Model

    • Category = Plant Group

    • Manufacturer = Make

    • Owner = Driver


New Report

  • wbBudgets003 - Variation Request Detailed - A new wbBudgets003 report has been provided; under Other - Miscellaneous - Price Request List

Report Revisions

  • wbBudgets001 - Price Request - Report title is now Dynamic like wbBudgets002.
  • wbContractClaim001, 2, 5, 6 - Contract Claim Schedule - Schedules only appear on the reports now if they have Job Outputs generated for them.

  • wbJob001, wbJobSummary002, wbJobWIP001, 2, 3 - Job Reports - Added Job Group Code and Job Group Category filtering options to Job Reports.


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