Base Release 4.4.8.XX
Beta Release 26 Aug 2019
New Features
AP Voucher Workflow
The AP voucher workflows have been enhanced to cater for the re-assignment of a workflow step where the person determined by the step function is no longer appropriate. Previously the only option was for a Voucher Admin to intervene and perform the step.
A. Consider if we have an AP Voucher workflow schema using a function like Job Manager.
B. Submitting a voucher has assigned Nigel as the Reviewer since he is the Job Manager.
C. The Voucher Admin is now able to Re-assign instead of actioning the step.
D. A list of valid re-assignable people are displayed with a comment. The list of valid alternates depend on the function referenced in the workflow schema.
• PO Purchaser reassigns to active employees
• PO Approver reassigns to active people with 'PO Approvers Limit' setting
• Job Manager reassigns to active people flagged as Job Managers
• Job Account Manager reassigns to active people flagged as Job Account Managers
E. Click [Reassign] to transfer the step to the selected person.
F. The workflow will indicate the person that action the reassignment, and the step as reassigned.
G. If the 'AP Voucher Workflow Email Enabled' setting is enabled then the reassigned user is also notified by email.H. The Reassign faction can also be enabled to non-admin users using the 'Reassign Vouchers' permission.
Feature Revisions
- AP Voucher - The Docket Lines tab now supports a Job Invoice filter to support clients with an Inputs Based process where the docket lines are included in the job invoice prior to the voucher process. The Job Invoice picker will also display the status of the invoice.
- Purchase Requisition (PR) - Purchase order numbering when the PO is created from the PR is now using the Profit Centre or Location numbering (depending on the Control Parameter setting for "PO Numbering Source") from the PR itself, not the Job on the PR. This is determined by the User who entered the PR.
- Contractor Schedule - a validation is added to ensure that the Code is unique for a supplier's Contractor Schedule.
MYOB Advanced
- GST enhancement - Allow for the alternative Tax Category setup where GST = 0.00%, and the need for different Tax categories to entered against AP invoice lines or for the line not to be recorded with a Tax category.
- MYOB Adv Integration screen - change the 'MYOB Advanced Tax Category' setting in the MYOB Adv Integration screen to be used as a default category when a GST Type doesn't have a category.
GST Types screen
- added GST Category to the GST Types screen and map it to the tax category on Invoice lines in MYOB Advanced. Previously you could not specify a category per
- added a 'Suppressed' tick box column. Switching this tick box on disables the export code field and populates it as [SUPPRESSED]. * Note: this is not the standard MYOB Advanced setup for Tax settings (see below for an example of this)
- AP / AR Invoice export - if the Export Code on the invoice line says [SUPPRESSED], in MYOB Advanced it will not specify the tax codes and amounts for that line. The tax category field will not be affected by this.
Example of none standard* Tax Category > Tax Setting where the schedule is not entered and thus, the GST Type needs suppressing in Workbench.
Example of none standard tax category, AP invoice export from Workbench using suppressed lines: Three lines were exported to MYOB Advanced, each line in the AP invoice in Workbench had a different GST Type with a different Tax Category. The GST Type: Purch_Exem is suppressed in GST Types (as per above B), so when it is exported to MYOB Advanced, the Tax Details are suppressed - no line is created.
There is only two lines in the Tax Details for this AP invoice,m as the Purch Exem line has been suppressed.