Provides access to Workbench Timesheet data.
The resources available in this module.
Provides API access to the Daily Desktop Timesheets (#/Timesheets/List.aspx) Web Workbench screen.
/api/TimesheetListApi | ||||
Method | Performed As | Request Query | Request Body | Response |
POST | GridRequestParametersApi.IntValue, if specified; otherwise Logged in User. | - |
Provides API access to the Daily Timesheet Detail (#/Timesheets/Daily.aspx) Web Workbench screen.
/api/TimesheetDetailApi | ||||
Method | Performed As | Request Query | Request Body | Response |
GET | Admin User | - | ||
POST | TimesheetApiModel.Form.Key.PersonId | - |
Provides API access to the default line logic on the Daily Timesheet Detail (#/Timesheets/Daily.aspx) Web Workbench screen.
/api/TimesheetDefaultsApi | ||||
Method | Performed As | Request Query | Request Body | Response |
GET | Admin User | - |
Provides readonly API access to the Attendance Dialog on the Daily Desktop Timesheets (#/Timesheets/List.aspx) Web Workbench screen.
/api/TimesheetAttendanceApi | ||||
Method | Performed As | Request Query | Request Body | Response |
POST Retrieve the attendance data a specific Timesheet. | Admin User | - | GridRequestParametersApi (IntValue and DateValue are required: they are the Person ID and Timesheet Date of the Timesheet respectively) |
The definitions of models specific to endpoints in this module.
Property | Data Type | Description |
PersonId | Integer | The ID of the Person this Timesheet is for. |
TimesheetDate | DateTime | The Timesheet Date. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Key | The unique key for the line. | |
PersonName | The Person this Timesheet if for. | |
TimesheetDate | String | The Timesheet Date, formatted. |
Entered | The total hours entered on the Timesheet. | |
Standard | The number of hours expected on the Timesheet. | |
Variance | The difference between Entered and Standard. | |
Completed | Boolean | The Completed flag on the Timesheet. |
Approved | Boolean | The Approved flag on the Timesheet. |
UpdatedDate | DateTime | The date the Timesheet was last modified. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Form | The general data associated withe the Timesheet. | |
Rows | Array<TimesheetDetailLine> | The Timesheet Lines. |
AttendanceFields.Rows | Array<TimesheetAttendanceLine> | The Timesheet Attendance Lines. |
Day1Complete | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the first day of the Timesheet is complete. |
Day2Complete | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the second day of the Timesheet is complete. |
Day3Complete | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the third day of the Timesheet is complete. |
Day4Complete | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the fourth day of the Timesheet is complete. |
Day5Complete | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the fifth day of the Timesheet is complete. |
Day6Complete | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the sixth day of the Timesheet is complete. |
Day7Complete | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the seventh day of the Timesheet is complete. |
SuccessMessage | String | A message indicating the update was successful. |
WarningMessage | String | A warning message about the Timesheet. |
ValidationErrors | Array<MvcValidationError> | A list of specific validation errors if the save was unsuccessful. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Key | The unique key for the line. | |
ApprovalOnHoldField | BoolViewData | The Approval On Hold flag on the Timesheet. |
ApprovedField | BoolViewData | The Approved flag on the Timesheet. |
CompletedField | BoolViewData | The Completed flag on the Timesheet. |
VarianceNotes | StringViewData | The Variance notes on the Timesheet. |
ToilJobBalance | DecimalViewData | The User’s Time Off In Lieu balance. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
JobTranId | Integer | The unique ID of the Timesheet Line. |
PersonId | Integer | The Person ID. |
FinCoCode | String | The Financial Company Code. |
JobCode | String | The Job Code. |
ActivityCode | String | The Activity Code. |
WorkCentreCode | String | The Work Centre Code. |
ActivityType | String | The Activity Type. |
ActivitySubType | String | The Activity Sub Type. |
TimeCode | String | The Time Code. |
CostType | String | The Cost Type of the Activity and Time Code. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Key | The unique key for the line. | |
TranDate | String | The transaction date. |
FinCoCode | String | The Financial Company Code on the transaction. |
JobCode | The Job on the transaction. | |
Action | The Action on the transaction. | |
LogHeader | The Log on the transaction. | |
ActivityCode | The Activity on the transaction. | |
ActivityType | String | The Type of Activity. |
TimeCode | The Time Code on the transaction. | |
WorkCentreCode | The Work Centre on the transaction. | |
Profile | The Employee Profile on the transaction | |
StartTime | The Start Time on the transaction. | |
EndTime | The End Time on the transaction. | |
Breaks | The Breaks value on the transaction. | |
Quantity | The hours Quantity, and Notes, on the transaction. | |
QuantityOnly | The hours Quantity on the transaction. | |
NoteOnly | The Notes on the transaction. | |
JobManagerApproved | Boolean | The flag to indicate if the transaction has been approved. |
PlantIssuesCount | Integer | The number of Plant Issues on the transaction. |
PlantIssuesData.data | Array<PlantIssueLine> | The Plant Issues on the transaction. |
StockIssuesCount | Integer | The number of Stock transactions on the transaction. |
SourceID | Integer | The Source ID on the transaction. |
SourceIDSpecified | Boolean | The flag to indicate if the transaction has a source. |
TimesheetRef1 | The TimesheetRef1 details on the transaction. | |
TimesheetRef2 | The TimesheetRef2 details on the transaction. | |
EmployeeClass | String | The Employee Class on the transaction. |
EmployeeClassValue | The Employee Class on the transaction. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
JobTranID | Integer | The unique ID of the Plant Issue. |
ItemId | Integer | The ID of the Plant Item. |
JobCode | String | The Job Code. |
WorkCentreCode | String | The Work Centre Code. |
ActivityCode | String | The Activity Code. |
RateCode | String | The Plant Rate Code. |
TranDate | String | The Date of the Plant Issue. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Key | The unique key for the line. | |
Selected | A flag to indicate the Plant Issue is being edited. | |
PlantCode | The Plant Item on the Plant Issue. | |
RateCode | The Plant Rate on the Plant Issue. | |
UnitCode | The Unit on the Plant Issue. | |
ActivityCode | The Activity on the Plant Issue. | |
WorkCentreCode | The Work Centre on the Plant Issue. | |
DefaultQuantity | The Default Quantity on the Plant Issue. | |
ActualQuantity | The Actual Quantity on the Plant Issue. | |
Note | The Note on the Plant Issue. | |
Delete | A flag to indicate the Plant Issue is being deleted. | |
Status | String | Either "from-database" if pre-existing, or "generated-line" if pre-populated by default. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
keys | The default values for the Timesheet Line. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
FinCoCode | String | The default Financial Company Code. |
ActivityCode | The default Activity. | |
ActivityType | String | The Type of the Activity. |
ActivitySubType | String | The Sub Type of the Activity. |
CostRate | Number | The Cost Rate of the Activity. |
CostType | String | The Cost Type of the Activity. |
GstRate | Number | The GST Rate of the Activity. |
WorkCentreCode | The default Work Centre. | |
TimeCode | The default Time Code. | |
TimesheetDate | String | the default Timesheet Date. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Action | String | Must be one of the following: 'FirstIn' (start of first shift), 'FirstOut' (end of first shift), 'SecondIn' (start of second shift), 'SecondOut' (end of second shift). |
PersonId | Integer | The Person ID on the Timesheet. |
TimesheetDate | String | The Timesheet Date. |
Property | Data Type | Description |
Key | The unique key for the line. | |
LineNo | String | The integer representation of the Action ('0' for ‘FirstIn’, ‘1' for ‘’, ‘2' for ‘SecondIn’, ‘3’ for 'SecondOut’). |
ShiftNo | String | The shift number: either ‘1' for first shift, or '2’ for second shift. |
Shift | String | Either ‘Start’ or ‘End’. |
Day1 | Day 1 Attendance time. | |
Day2 | Day 2 Attendance time. | |
Day3 | Day 3 Attendance time. | |
Day4 | Day 4 Attendance time. | |
Day5 | Day 5 Attendance time. | |
Day6 | Day 6 Attendance time. | |
Day7 | Day 7 Attendance time. |
- 1 Overview
- 2 Endpoints
- 3 Models
- 3.1 TimesheetKey
- 3.2 TimesheetLine
- 3.3 TimesheetApiModel
- 3.4 TimesheetForm
- 3.5 TimesheetDetailKey
- 3.6 TimesheetDetailLine
- 3.7 PlantIssueKey
- 3.8 PlantIssueLine
- 3.9 TimesheetDefaultLineApiModel
- 3.10 TimesheetDefaultLine
- 3.11 AttendanceKey
- 3.12 AttendanceLine