Templates are organised by the Groups that have been set up in Options.
To create a new Template, click the + icon in the top menu and provide a name for the template.
Next, you are presented with a screen where you can add several types of information, beginning with Fields. Each field type has several options which will prompt for information from the person filling out the form. Most will require a Label, Position, Default Value, and the ability to execute Javascript code when a field is changed. You can also make certain answers mandatory or hidden.
Field Types:
Question - this can be any sort of yes/no/n/a question.
Combo Box - this field type can be set to a specified list of options or based on several data types in Upvise such as Contacts , Projects , Assets , etc.
Text Box - this expects a certain string of text to be entered as the response.
Date Box - this expects a date to be provided.
Photo - this allows a photo to be attached to the form directly from the user’s camera or library (depending on permissions).
Button - a button for the specified application is provided.
Label - this displays the label text, useful for organising your form.
Check Box - provides a box that can be checked by the user, and executes the given Javascript code.
Section - creates a section for organisation of the form
Formula - you can provide a Javascript code to perform a calculation.
Signature - a signature field is added to the form, useful for when sign-offs are required.