Accessed by click on Requisition Number on Stock Requisitions screen.
Columns are, unless otherwise stated, from the Stock Requisition Line table
- Bin Numbers from Stock Bin Locations. If all bins are not visible, a mouse-over will provide
a full list
- Stock Item Code : Stock Item Description from Items
- Previously Issued being sum of Quantity of previous requisition lines
- Requisitioned is Requested Quantity
Initial quantity is the Quantity Ordered from the Sales Order Lines
Subsequent quantity is the balance that has not been picked when a new requisition has
been created. The creation of a new requisition is an optional feature (see setup).
- This Pick defaults to zero
this may be edited by the User to reflect the quantity picked
by selecting the adjacent box the Requisition Quantity populates this field.
By further selecting the box the value is returned to zero
- All provides the facility for the user to select all lines.
This will set the 'This Pick' value to the Requisition Quantity for all lines.
A subsequent selection will set the value to zero.
- Alternate Stock provides the facility for the user to select an alternative stock item.
New lines are generated on the Sales Order and the Stock Requisition.
The Requisition Lines are displayed on the screen for Picking.
- History provides a list of requisitions for the Line Item on Requisitions with the same Job
- Serial Required is populated from Items
- Serials provides the facility to enter/select Serial Numbers.
If the Item is not marked as requiring a serial, access to the modal is not displayed
As there is a requirement for the Pick Quantity and the Serial Quantity to equate,
the Pick Quantity is automatically saved during the assignment of Serial Numbers.
If This Pick values are entered and Alternate Stock is selected, the User will be
asked to stay or leave the page. If the Pick quantities are to be retained, the User should stay
and Save before moving to the modalAction/Navigation Buttons
- Save and Submit
saves the Picked Quantities and triggers the procedure that will
▪ create stock issues
▪ optionally, create a new requisition for any unfulfilled requisition quantity
▪ optionally, create delivery docket
▪ ‘complete’ the requisition
- Save only
saves the Picked Quantities
- Back
navigates back to the Stock Requisition List