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Workbench integrates with MYOB Advanced using the MYOB Advanced API.

We first need to import the Workbench MYOB Advanced customization project in the MYOB Advanced environment to then start the configuration.


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Screen Guide:

Preparation works:

You need to be familiar with the terminology of MYOB adv vs. Workbench e.g. Companies in MYOB adv = Financial Companies in Workbench | Branches in Myob ADV = Profit Centre in Workbench. Please refer to Steve's document regarding terminologies etc.

You need to know what type of company aka 'Company Type' is used in MYOB adv because it is likely related to the 'model' section of the 'MYOB adv Integration' screen. If they are using multiple branches, ask clients if they are wanting to integrate with their branches also? If not -> One Legal entity.

You need to know who will be the MYOB dealer because you need to send a zip file of our customisation package for them to install. This information is obtained from your client.

The setup stage:

Once you did i. you should be able to send the Dealer a package for them to establish. Ensure clients are in the loop of communication

Workbench integrates with MYOB Acumatica using the MYOB Acumatica API. This document explains how to configure the integration between the two systems. This includes:

  • Export of batches of Job cost financial data from Workbench to MYOB Acumatica financials (Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable/General Ledger/Timesheets/Journals)

  • Import of various master data into Workbench from MYOB Acumatica.

  • Import of Job Receipts (AR) and Payments (AP).

This document outlines the different models of configuration in MYOB Acumatica for new Workbench clients.
The below displays the configuration of Master files between the two integrated systems.

In the below case, there is a requirement for 1 x Masterfile in MYOB Adv. accommodating multiple financial companies in Workbench.
MYOB Acumatica Supplier (AP) Workbench Suppliers (AP)
Bunnings – 1 x Masterfile record. Bunnings - Financial Company = 01
Bunnings - Financial Company = 02
Bunnings - Financial Company = 03

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In the below case, there is only a need for the below customer to be transacted for Financial Company 01 and 02, not 03.
MYOB Advanced Customers (AR) Workbench Companies (AR)
Melbourne Water – 1 x Masterfile record. Melbourne Water - Financial Company = 01
Melbourne Water - Financial Company = 02

There are two Models in Workbench for integrating with MYOB Acumatica, they are:

  • One Legal Entity.

  • One Legal Entity with Multiple Branches.


Workbench recommends implementing One Legal entity with multiple branch support for better divisional reporting in both systems.

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The integration configuration is a task most likely performed by a Workbench Consultant. If you are looking for FAQs or troubleshooting an error please check the MYOB Acumatica FAQs page under this same section.

Preparation work:

1- Important terminology to be familiar with in MYOB Acumatica.


MYOB Acumatica

  • Financial Companies

  • Companies

  • Profit Centre

  • Branches

2- Find out the MYOB Dealer contact.Before the integration configuration can start, the MYOB Acumatica dealer must import the Workbench-MYOB Acumatica customisation package into MYOB Acumatica. Send them the latest version of the .zip file (that contains a .xml file in it) with the customisation.

Customisation files are kept here. Note that only Workbench employees can access this. A Customer Support Consultant will provide this file to the MYOB Dealer.

3- Request the Dealer to provide an MYOB user with the ‘full user API’ licence. This will give you access to all you need. Later on, once the integration is up and running the Dealer might decide to change the user’s licence to one that has less access but still allows the integration to work as expected.

4- You need to know what MYOB Acumatica Company Type the financial entity is set to in MYOB, as this will be needed to set the 'Model' option in Workbench as part of the integration setup.
If the Client is using multiple branches, ask the client or the MYOB Dealer if they are wanting to integrate with their branches as well. This would be One Legal Entity With Multiple Branches

Otherwise, it would be One Legal entity.

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The setup stage:

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  1. Customisation package sent to Dealer and imported into MYOB Acumatica. Ensure the client is kept in the loop of all communications between you and the MYOB Dealer.

  2. In Workbench -> Navigate to the MYOB

  1. Acumatica Integration screen. Refer to the below

  1. fields that

  1. need mapping:

    • Select your Financial Company

    • Enter

    • the URL

from MYOB adv screen
    • for the MYOB Acumatica instance.

    • Enter in Username and password of the user that will be integrated between MYOB

    • and Workbench. Must be a user with enough access to do all the configuration (user with the ‘full user API’ licence).

    • Enter the MYOB Branch: The Branch ID in

the Branch (
    • MYOB is the Profit Centre Code In Workbench. It can be the

    • default Branch

    • they use in MYOB (MAIN)

  • Check Model (with reference to MYOB adv companies screen or ask your client / their dealer)

  • Check their Tax Category (with reference to MYOB adv screen)

  • In GST Types configure GST codes as per MYOB adv GST screen:

  • In MYOB adv -> Log in using the user given to you (assuming license
      • .

      • Tenant is the MYOB Acumatica Tenant (database name).

      • Select a model, based on how they want to integrate, either using branches or Sub-accounts, as per the explanation in the graph above.

      • Last Update date is important when syncing clients and customers for the firsttime after the integration has been setup. See more details in one of the later steps.

      • Default Tax Category, it most cases is the Tax Category called DEFAULT or DEFAULTD in MYOB. Verify the correct Tax Category ID and populate it in this field.

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    1. Find Tax Categories in MYOB, and open the DEFAULT Tax Category. Use the Tax IDs in MYOB and map them to the GST Types in Workbench. Export Codes in Workbench must be populated with the corresponding Tax ID from MYOB. We recommend you copy and paste rather than type to avoid errors. Reciprocal codes are only required if intercompany is used.

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    2. In MYOB, log in using the user provided by the MYOB Dealer. Assuming the licence is set up correctly, you should be able to access

    1. the client’s company database

    • URL (address):

    • The screenshot shows company type -> by searching in the magnifying glass icon -> search 'Companies' -> select Configuration ->  Companies so follow mini video:

    Next Steps:
    1. .

      1. Verify the MYOB Company (financial entity) type.

      2. To find this information search for Companies in MYOB (use the search box at the top) → select Configuration/Companies and find the company for the Financial Company it is being integrated with. You can use the magnifying glass on the Company ID field to find it. Once selected the screen will display all details configured by the MYOB Dealer. Note that you should not change anything on this screen, it is just to validate what company type they are using and help you understand what integration model they will be using.

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    2. Create a new MYOB Attribute called FINCO, which will be key to connect MYOB and Workbench. Once the new attribute is created add each one of the financial companies being integrated.

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      1. Search for Attributes (Configuration/Common Settings/Attributes) and add a new Attribute:

        1. Attribute ID = FINCO

        2. Description = Financail Company

        3. Control Type = Multi Select Combo

      2. Add new values on the Finco attribute, one per Workbench Financial Company being integrated.

        1. Value ID = Workbench Finco Code

    3. Configure Profit Centre’s Export Code with the corresponding BRANCH ID from MYOB:
      Only populate EXPORT CODE when there are multiple fincos in place and "MYOB Acumatica Integration Model" setting is not "One Legal Entity".

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    4. Suppliers:
      To bring suppliers across from MYOB to Workbench configure the following fields in MYOB for each supplier (see video with the steps):

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      1. PURCHASE SETTINGS tab / Other settings/ Default Branch and select the right branch.

      2. ATTRIBUTES tab and add the Cinancial Companies attribute and the right Finco. It could be multiple fincos.

      3. SAVE.

      4. Ensure the supplier's Address Line 1 is populated in order to integrate.

    5. Customers:

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      Same as with Suppliers, to bring customers across from MYOB to Workbench configure the following fields in MYOB for each customer (see video with the steps):

      1. Go to Receivables/ Customers/ Open each customer and in the SHIPPING tab set the Other setting called Default Branch. Choose the right Branch (Profit Centre).

      2. ATTRIBUTES tab and add the Financial Companies attribute and the right Finco. It could be multiple fincos.

      3. Ensure the customer’s Address Line 1 is populated in order to integrate. Workbench ignores the entire address IF the Address Line 1 is blank.

      4. SAVE.

    6. Once Suppliers and Customers have been updated in MYOB Acumatica, use the Import button on Workbench MYOB Acumatica integration screen to make sure all Suppliers and Customers are imported into Workbench. There is a scheduled task that imports any new or updated Customers/Clients from MYOB Acumatica to Workbench, but the manual importcan be triggered anytime, as required.
      Default Location when syncing from MYOB Acumatica to Workbench:
      When importing companies, Workbench defaults the location from the Template company on the corresponding financial company (Or the first location it finds, if not setup).
      This only happens upon creation. If a company already exists in Workbench, its location will not be updated.

      During the first initial sync of companies from MYOB Acumatica to Workbench, the Last Update date, in the MYOB Acumatica Integration screen in Workbench, is critical. Ensure the update date is the same date of when the data was imported or updated in MYOB Acumatica.

      The MYOB Acumatica Limited API licence call limit is 1500 calls per day. Any additional calls will require a full API licence from MYOB Acumatica. (Some clients have had issues syncing 2000 suppliers on the initial upload. They required a full API licence in MYOB Acumatica).

    7. Model - One Legal Entity (No Branch reporting – Subaccounts used or only one Branch used):
      This step is only required this model (when the client requires sub-account reporting in MYOB Acumatica).

      If sub accounts are used for MYOB Acumatica, then the Workbench Profit Centres require the GL Suffix field to be mapped to the correct Sub-account value from MYOB Acumatica.
      If this is used it should be segmented with a dash, as seen below.

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    8. Manual AR Invoice feature - This is to ensure the Workbench AR Invoice equals the MYOB Acumatica AR Invoice Number.

      At this stage due to the recommended configuration approach of Multiple Companies (multi Fincos) with Multiple Branches(multi Profit Centres), MYOB Acumatica supports ONLY ONE global setting (Auto or Manual numbering) for AR Invoice Numbering across all Companies/Branches.

      This is a MYOB Acumatica limitation. Discuss with your client the Pors and Cons of having the below setting as “Manual Numbering” in MYOB Acumatica.

      1. If the MYOB Acumatica ARINVOICE numbering sequence was set to Manual.

        1. Pros:

          • Workbench AR Invoice = MYOB Adv. AR Invoice in the AR sub ledger. 

        2. Cons:

          • Additional Company in MYOB Acumatica would require the finance user to enter in a manual Invoice number upon entry of the AR Invoice (within MYOB Adv). The issue with this is that the user could potentially enter a duplicate Invoice number for the same client and receive an error message when saving.

          • Finance user creating ad-hoc AR Invoices in MYOB Adv. will need to remember the invoice numbering sequence. For example, Workbench Invoices starts with 100001, MYOB Adv. ad-hoc AR Invoices start with 200001. May create confusion and finance user could forget the manual process.

      2. if the MYOB Acumatica ARINVOICE numbering sequence was set to Auto.

        1. Pros:

          • MYOB Acumatica will automatically generate the next AR Invoice, finance user does not need to think about updating AR Invoice numbers.

        2. Cons:

          • Workbench AR Invoice No. will not equal when exported to MYOB Adv. Finance users will tend to create ad-hoc AR Invoices in MYOB Adv. or progress claims are approved out of sequence.

          • MYOB dealer will have to alter the AR Statement to display the order no field which is populated with the WB AR Invoice Number.

          • Client will most likely get frustrated as to why systems do not match when it comes to AR Invoice Numbers. (This is definitely the main concern we are finding in AU, hence the feature request in Workbench to change to AR Manual numbering)

      3. Our recommendation would be to enable Manual AR Invoice numbering in MYOB Acumatica as Finance users prefer that both system(s) invoice numbers are identical during integration.

    Next Steps:

    After the integration has been up and running for a while, the MYOB Dealer might remove the high access licence to our Workbench user in MYOB, and chnage it to one with less access. This will not affect the integration.

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