Hotfixes - 09 Oct 2017
Purchase Requisition Details
- Corrects the issue where changing the job in the PR header would cause the grid to be reloaded without taking into account any hidden columns. This could cause inconsistency in the behaviour of the grid.
Base Release
4.2.6 - Scheduled 2 Oct 2017
Feature Revisions
- Scheduler views - A "Scheduler Days Offset" control parameter is now available where 0 is today, negative is days back, positive is days in future; and this establishes the initial date displayed in the schedules. Also added are control parameters "Scheduler Start Time" and "Scheduler End Time" that are used as defaults for new events.
- Report List - The ReportFileName field is now initialised from the last part of the Report URL to prevent any blank name arising from new Report records added.
- User Details - A new Login Type field is available for users that allows enforcement of a specific type, either Standard (Forms), AD (Windows), or Any (null). The default is Any. "Forms" will restrict the user to ONLY login externally i.e. remotely; while "Windows" will restrict the user to ONLY login on the local network e.g. at the office.