Released 30-Jan-2018
- Timesheets - Labels, pre-populate start time, make WC optional for Plant items
- Stock Mobile entry - added Units
- Claim Schedule Detail - Validation rules were also applied to 'blank' new lines; this will be removed to improve the user experience.
Released 23-Jan-2018
- Report installation TSQL script updated
- Does not update Default flag on reports, only set it for the first time when we create record.
Base Release 4.2.12
Scheduled Released 22-Jan-2018
New Features
- Purchase Requisition Details - Header: FC Rate
- Job Sales Invoice - Dates: FC Rate
- Job Receipting Batch Entry - Grid: FC Rate
New Reports
- wbContractClaim001 -
- Sort order for Headings changed to be by Sequence Number rather than by Heading.
- A New Contract Claim report has been provided, that allows for heading to be formed with other ScheduleOutput Lines.Order on report for Schedule types is configurable in the Status Table.Hotfix 4.2.10.x Dependent.
- Sort order for Headings changed to be by Sequence Number rather than by Heading.
- wbContractClaim005 - A new report which is a recreation from the standard wbContractClaim0300 Crystal report has been provided.
wbJobDateRange001 - A new Job Daysheet Report had been provided, this is a 'Job Date Range' Report. - wbTimesheetException001 - a Timesheeet exception report based on the crystal report wbTime5100.wbrsReportJobDateRange - A new 'Job Daysheet' report that is run for a range of jobs and dates has been provided. This report also requires control parameters to be configured if Daysheet data from Meta tables or extension tables is to be included. These control parameters are: 'Reporting ClassIDs' and 'Reporting ExtensionGroupIDs'.
Report Revisions
- wbJobSummary002 - Changed the Margin % Calculation.
- wbrsJobTransactions - Added TranType to wbrsJobTransactions
- The following reports received minor adjustments for presentation consistency:
- wbBatchAdjustment001
- wbBatchAPInvoice001
- wbBatchARInternal001
- wbBatchARInternal002
- wbBatchARInvoice001
- wbBatchARReceipt001
- wbBatchBatchList001
- wbBatchCCCAccrual001
- wbARInvoice001
- wbContractClaim002
- wbTime004