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This page explains about the log billing of Service log and Plant Maintenance log billing.

Log charge types

A log has statuses to indicate at what stage of the process it is, however, there is not only one sequential order of steps that the Service Log can follow but depend on how the Jobs are set up. A Job with a charge type of Input and Output billing will be Allocated, then In-Progress, then Completed and its billing status will change to Billed once all transactions/Outputs on the Log have been included in a Job Invoice billed from the Log (that is by selecting them all from Get Sales in a Job Invoice).

On the other hand, a Job with a charge type of Contract Claims, will have to be flagged as Finalised as the last step in the process by the person invoicing it, to indicate it has been billed and no further action is required. The system cannot link the Log Cost transactions (Job transactions/Outputs) to an invoice because the Service Log will be invoiced with a Claim type of invoice that requires a manual line (and will not include the actual Job transactions in the Log). So in this case the billing status becomes less important and the Workflow status is what is relevant. However, the Log Charge Type can be used, instead of the Job’s charge type which will define if the Log transactions can be billed from the Log or not.



In terms of timing, you can send invoices to client at different stages:

  1. At the end of the service: Wait until all services are completed and send one invoice.

  2. Bill as you go: Invoice the client for each activity or transaction as it happens by creating an invoice before marking the service as 'completed.' For this, the Log should not have its own Charge Type. These invoices will also appear in the Completion tab.

  3. Both: A combination of both methods: bill for each transaction and, when the service is finished, send an invoice for any remaining items.

In terms of where to bill from, you can invoice the Client:

  • Directly from Log: normally applied for Small Job or by transactions via the Charge Type Input/Output based.

  • By Job that Log belongs to: This method is applicable only for Jobs (as in a project, not the Service itself) that have the Charge Type specified as Contract Claim.

To generate invoice:


  • Click on the ‘Invoice’ button on the log detail screen.

  • The 'Job Sales Invoice' screen will appear.

  • Input additional information and select the appropriate button based on the situation (e.g., assigning it to another person). Alternatively, click 'Get Sales' button to generate the lines details. Note: The buttons displayed on this screen may vary depending on user permissions.

All the next steps are similar as per the Job sales Invoices process.



  • Anyone who can access the logs can generate the invoice by clicking the button 'Invoice'.

  • Based on the charge type chosen on the Log, or if no Charge Type on the Log, then the one on the Job, will be how the billing process and et Sales behave (Job Sale process)

  • The Completion tab will display a summary of what is outstanding to be billed and list of generated invoices of the log.

  • If the Invoice Charge Type is 'Quoted' and the invoice is generated from a Service Log, then the default invoice value should be taken from the Log's Expected Value; otherwise, it should come from the Job's Job Value.

Log charge types

You can set the Charge Type of a Log when creating or editing and it sticks together with the Log status. If the Log Charge type is not specified, the system will use the Job’s Charge Type

While the Log's Charge Type is not mandatory, it proves beneficial in ensuring all charges are invoiced to the Job.

  • Input and Output Based Billing: Only only transactions related linked to this Log will be displayed available for selection on [Get Sales] . If any of the Job Sales Invoice screen. Even if some transactions are Deferred or Pending, the [Invoice] button will still display to allow for these transactions to be billed be visible, enabling billing at a later stage. On the Job Invoice there is the option , you can choose to Save, which will change the Log’s transitioning the Log's status to Allocated ‘Allocated - Billed. Or there is also the option to Billed’ workflow status. Alternatively, you can select Save & Finalise, which will save not only saves the Job invoice and change the status to the Log but also changes the Log's status to Finalised - Billed . However, if new transactions still status. Should additional transactions need to be added to the log, the clicking [Reopen & Unfinalise] button will change revert the status back to Allocated - Part billed and make , making the Log editable again. The existing invoices will still be linked and additional invoices can be createdExisting invoices remain linked, and more can be generated.

  • Contract Claims billing:The are two ways to bill this Log,

  • the most recommended and straightforward one is using a Charge Type on the Log that will allow you to bill it as per a normal Input/Output billing process.

  • Or the where the Log is not to be billed from the Log itself, and will have to be billed

    • Automatic setting by the Job the Log belongs to:
      If the Log Charge Type is undefined (null), and the Log belongs to a Job with the Charge Type set as Contract Claim, the Log Charge Type will be automatically set as Contract Claims. It is necessary to flag the Log as 'Finalised' in the invoicing process. This is a sensible step to indicate that the Job has been billed, and no further action is required. This is a logical way to ensure consistency and alignment with the Job's Charge Type.

    • Manual billing from Contract Claim:
      When the Log is not billed directly and billing is intended to be done from a Contract Claim with a manual line. There is , there's an option to Save and Finalise Finalize the Log, to indicate indicating that no further action is required. See description of Workflow statuses for more details. The Log Billed status will stay as Unbilled as there is no needed. This step makes sense, signaling completion when billing is indirectly associated with a Contract Claim. In this the Log billing status remains ‘Unbilled’. This is logical since there is no direct connection between the Log job transactions/Outputs outputs and the Invoice. Once flagged as Finalised, the log becomes read-only, and if new transactions still need to be added to the log, the [Re-open & Unfinalise] button will change the status back to Allocated and make the Log editable again.

    Log’s Charge type can be empty (not required).
    • invoice.

Log billing status

There are billing statuses to better represent the billing status stages for the different charge types Charge Types on the Log (if selected) or the charge type Charge Type on the Job. Note that if there is no charge type Charge Type selected on the Log, then the system uses the Job’s charge type. Refer to the Service log for more details.

Charge type

Log - Billing Status


  • No Transactions : no transactions or outputs.

  • Unbilled : no invoices on any transactions or outputs.

  • Part Billed : invoices less than the Quoted Value on the Job.

  • Billed : there are invoices or invoice exceeds quote.

  • Finalised : manual step.

Input / Output

  • No Transactions : no transactions or outputs

  • Unbilled : no invoices on any transactions or outputs.

  • Part Billed : invoices on some transactions or outputs.

  • Billed : invoices on all transactions or outputs.

  • Finalised : manual step.


  • No Transactions : no transactions or outputs.

  • Claim Based : if transactions exist (since the system does not know how much needs to be invoiced).

  • Finalised : manual step.


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Logs attachments when billing
