Base Release 4.4.8.XX
Beta Release 26 Aug 2019
New Features
The AP voucher workflows have been enhanced to cater for the re-assignment of a workflow step where the person determined by the step function is no longer appropriate. Previously the only option was for a Voucher Admin to intervene and perform the step.
the step.
A. Consider if we have an AP Voucher workflow schema using a function like Job Manager.
B. Submitting a voucher has assigned Nigel as the Reviewer since he is the Job Manager.
C. The Voucher Admin is now able to Re-assign instead of actioning the step.
D. A list of valid re-assignable people are displayed with a comment. The list of valid alternates depend on the function referenced in the workflow schema.
Feature Revisions
- Contractor Schedule - a validation is added to ensure that the Code is unique for a supplier's Contractor Schedule.
MYOB Advanced
- GST enhancement - Allow for the alternative Tax Category setup where GST = 0.00%, and the need for different Tax categories to entered against AP invoice lines or for the line not to be recorded with a Tax category.
- MYOB Adv Integration screen - change the 'MYOB Advanced Tax Category' setting in the MYOB Adv Integration screen to be used as a default category when a GST Type doesn't have a category.
GST Types screen
- added GST Category to the GST Types screen and map it to the tax category on Invoice lines in MYOB Advanced.
- added a 'Suppressed' tick box column. Switching this tick box on disables the export code field and populates it as [SUPPRESSED].
- AP / AR Invoice export - if the Export Code on the invoice line says [SUPPRESSED], in MYOB Advanced it will not specify the tax codes and amounts for that line. The tax category field will not be affected by this.
Example: Three lines were exported to MYOB Advanced, each line in the AP invoice in Workbench had a different GST Type with a different Tax Category. The GST Type: Purch_Exem is suppressed in GST Types (as per above B), so when it is exported to MYOB Advanced, the Tax Details are suppressed - no line is created.
There is only two lines in the Tax Details for this AP invoice,m as the Purch Exem line has been suppressed.